James Monroe ~~Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting: Know ye, that by virtue of a Land Office Treasury Warrant, Number two thousand one hundred and fifty seven filed the eighth day of March one thousand seven hundred and ninety seven .

there is granted by the said Commonwealth, unto Robert Preston Junior ~~~

A certain Tract or Parcel of Land, containing fifty eight acres by survey bearing date the eight day of March one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight, lying and being in the County of Washington, on the North side of the North Fork of Holstein River, and is bounded as followeth, "towith". Beginning at a white oak, on the bank of the River, and is corner to Wells land, with his line, thence 5 72o, W 184 poles to two black oaks, corner to Mary Wills, Survey, with the lines of the same thence N 30o W 62poles to a black oak and Chestnut oak near the top of a Piney Knob, S 85o W58 poles to a white oak on Petis Morrisons line, with the same, thence N 19o, E 43 poles to a white oak, gum and dogwood, S 83o, E250 poles to the beginning. ~~~~~~~~~~~~


with its Appurtenances; To Have and to Hold the said Tract or Parcel of Land with its Appurtenances, to the said Robert Preston Junior ------------- and his Heirs for ever.

In Witness whereof, the said James Monroe ~Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hath hereunto set his Hand, and caused the lesser Seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed at Richmond, on the Fifth ~~~~ day of April ~~ in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight hundred ~ ~ ~and of the Commonwealth the twenty fourth. Jas Monroe

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Original 11/3/97
Last updated 7/20/2003
Page by F. Preston