Letter - Matthew Rhea to Mary 'Polly' Looney Rhea
April 17th, 1820

Hardensburg, Ky.
April 17th, 1820

My dear Polly,

I expect you have almost lost patience waiting for a letter. I have begun to write twice but finding no opportunity to send the letters soon I stopt.

With the blessing of Heaven I have had quite a comfortable journey thus far. Have been on the Wabash San Barton. I am almost halfway to Lexington. I will go on through Louisville and Georgetown. I expect (no accident falling) to be at Ohio next Saturday or Sunday.

My spirits are very low for several days at first but have become quite tolerable, I hope yours are so also.

Let pious reflections be your constant companions, they will give you more comfort than any other. Remember me in love to your father Mother, etc. May heavens best blessings await you and our little infant.

Your loving husband
Matthew Rhea

Addressed to:

Mrs. Matthew Rhea
West Tennessee.


Notes: Their first child, Margaret, would have been just under 3 months old. Her mother and father would have been Abram Looney and Elizabeth Gammon. (His parents, Matthew Rhea IV and Jane Preston Rhea were both dead by this time.)


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Original 9/5/97
Last updated 4/13/2007
Page by F. Preston