
Map of Virginia 1998

Click on County to go to the County Home Page for Augusta (blue), Botetourt (green), Bedford (brown), Montgomery (reddish brown), Washington (purple), Hanover (gray), King William (purple), King and Queen County (bright green) or York (red). (may need to click many places on county to find "hot spot".)Prestons settled in the western counties, Tinsley in Hanover, Gaines in K&Q and King Wm Counties and Bryan in York. Use your Browser's BACK arrow to return to this page. These counties are mentioned (among others) in these pages. Also, you can go to the US Map with Abbreviations and connect to Virginia, West Virginia or Tennessee US Gen Web sites.Click on Virginia for the Virginia Web Site.


Original 1/26/98
Last updated 1/9/2007
Page by F. Preston