Obituary - of Mrs. Jane E. Gaines, Richmond Times Dispatch
Wednesday May 5, 1869, front page


SUDDEN DEATH- The many friends of Mrs. Jane E. Gaines, wife of Dr. William F. Gaines of Hanover will be grieved to hear of her decrease.  Her death which occurred at 5 o'clock yesterday morning was very sudden.  She was in this city visiting on Monday visiting her friends and returned home to tea, retiring to her bed in usual health.   About 1 o'clock she was taken with sick stomach. Her husband was awakened by her retchings, and immediately gave her medicine to relieve it.  This nausea was succeeded by paralysis, under which she expired in about six hours.

Also, a death notice on page 2 of the same paper.

Died, at Powhite, Hanover County, Va., May 4th at 5 o'clock Mrs. Jane E. Gaines, wife of Dr. William F. Gaines.

Her funeral will be preached at the residence of Dr. Gaines on Thursday May 6th at 11 o'clock.  The friends of the family in the city and the country are invited to attend.

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Original 3/7/2004
Last updated 4/13/2007
Page by F. L. Preston