Obituary- of James B. Preston
12/3/1845 - 10/21/1922

Editor Herald Courier:  (Bristol, Virginia)

The passing of James Brainard Preston, who died in Bristol, Virginia, on Saturday last recalls the story of the Battle of New Market, which was fought in the Valley of Virginia on the 15th day of May, 1864.

The corps of cadets of the Virginia Military Institute was ordered into action and these young boys, marching into battle like seasoned troops, played a most conspicuous part in obtaining a decisive victory for the Confederate arms over General Seigel, commander of the Federal division; but at a great sacrifice, for nine of those brave lads were killed and forty-eight wounded.  A testament in the breast pocket of Cadet Preston saved him from being shot through the heart.

Two hundred and eighty four cadets composed the corps at that time, and after the war was over the Board of Visitors of the Institute awarded diplomas to 214 members of the third and fourth classes of "the session of 1863-64, in recognition of their bravery and courage in battle.

Among those receiving these honor diplomas was the subject of this sketch, James B. Preston, along with the late Judge M. B. Wood, of Bristol, the late Judge G. W. Ward, of Abingdon, the late Judge H. S. K. Morison, of Gate City, the late Jacob P. Imboden and former U. S. Senator C. J. Faulkner of West Virginia, J. Williamson McGavock the present Republican candidate for the United States Senate from Virginia, Thos. L. Tate of Pulaski, (?) J. Richard Wingfield of Charlottesville, former member of the State Corporation Commission, J. J. A. Powell of Wytheville, and William M. Wood of Bristol, Tennessee.

Mr. Preston was a gentleman of the old type, dignified, modest and reserved, a man of strict integrity and highly respected by his fellowmen.

Another hero of the War Between the States has gone to his reward.  Peace to his ashes.

                                                                                                          S. V. FULKERSON

Bristol, Virginia

NOTE: James Brainard Preston was buried in the Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, VA with his wife Harriet "Hattie" Bryan Tinsley.


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Original 8.27/2000
Last updated 4/13/2007
Page by F. L. Preston