Help can often be found by going to a Roots Web list and post a message. It may reach 50 to 500 people on that list and I'm sure you will get some response, but you will need to Subscribe to the list. When you get your answer, you can unsubscribe if you want. Becareful about subscribing to more than 1 list. May be getting 100 or more email messages a day. To subscribe, at least on most lists, use the address below except add request (Dysart-L-request@rootsweb.com) and then, leave Subject blank, in the body of the message put Subscribe and thats all, turn off your signature. Do Unsubscribe the same way. Once you have joined the group use the address just as it is shown below.

Some email lists are:

Immigration Ships site has changed and now has a URL, http://immigrantships.net/ This site can be used to find passengers on various ships coming to many different ports in the US.

If you are a member of the Sons of the American Revolution, you can subscribe to SAR-TALK. Go to my chapter page Lt. Nathan Gann Chapter, click on the Logo at bottom of page, National Sons of Amer. Rev., click on 'For Members', then go down to SAR Talk. Great way to find out what's going on.


The following is not a personal home page but a good source for PRESTONs of Virginia information and also APPALACHIAN history, businesses and people. It is the Special Collection Section of the Virginia Tech Newman Library. Virginia Tech is located where James Patton built a fort and settlement known as "Draper's Meadows". I knew the original name of the University was Preston and Olin Institute (Wm. Preston of Smithfield) and consequently I obtained much of my information from this library. They have many manuscripts available at the college but I'm not sure how much is available on line. Check it out.


Suggest clicking MANUSCRIPTS, then SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN HISTORY AND CULTURE then GUIDE TO APPALACHIAN COLLECTION research materials. If you are a railroad buff they have a lot on Norfolk & Western and Southern Railways. Go Huckleberry !


Original 1/15/98
Last update 4/14/2007
Page by F. L. Preston