Prestons of Ireland Gormanston

SOURCE: The source for information on the Prestons of Ireland is from "Preston Genealogy" by William Bowker Preston, however, the same information can be found in "Burke's Peerage and Baronetage" under Gormanston Prestons.

Originally my parents were told that we descended from John Preston son of Jenico Preston the 10th Viscount of Gormanston. Since our John and his wife Eleanor Fairman were born about 1725-26 and the John Preston son of Jenico was born 1742, it is apparent these are two different Johns. Another problem is our John came to America from the Londonderry area of northern Ireland, while Jenico and the Gormanston Prestons are located in County Meath outside of Dublin.

If anyone in the United States has a proven connection to the Gormanston Prestons I would like to know about it. Of all the Prestons shown on these pages I know of none connected to this line.

Gormanston Castle

There is a college or boarding school of about 450 students (1999) adjacent to the Gormanston Castle. I have had email from several students or ex students who have provided some current information. For one, in the late 1950's the castle was sold to the Franciscans who live there now, about 25 of them. The castle is in good shape. There is a legend about the castle that was conveyed by John McMahon of Massachusetts who attended Gormanston College. The legend goes that whenever a family member died, the foxes would gather at the foot of the steps. One of the family members went to WW2 and was listed as missing in action. After 7 years he was declared legally dead and his widow remarried. The groundskeeper had his doubts because the foxes did not appear during that time. Sure enough around 1952 he resurfaced, had apparently suffered loss of memory.

Another interesting point was that the Prestons had a Pet Cemetery on the grounds. The Preston dogs are buried under a 350 year old Yew tree in a plot about 200 feet long, head stones and all. Also, much of the Preston history is inscribed in the wood paneling of the Great Entrance Hall.

The following will be an account of the Gormanston Prestons. The Swainston Prestons are an off-shoot of the Gormanston Prestons and will be covered separately.

The first member of the family is --


Original 1/9/98
Last updated 1/1/2007
Page by F. L. Preston