There will be a Preston reunion on Sunday Oct. 1, 2006 at the Macedonia Baptist Church, Ranburne, AL in the Fellowship Hall after the morning worship service. Go to

There will be a reunion for the descendants of ROBERT SAYERS SHEFFEY on July 7th, 2001 in Trigg, VA. Starting at 10:00 AM with covered dish luncheon at 12:00 Noon. For any questions or comments contact Linda.

If you are related to the one and only Fred Preston, no matter how distant (not Adam and Eve), I will be glad to post information about your reunion. This could include surnames like the HAYS clan in Pennsylvania, Tinsley from Richmond area, Gaines also from Richmond area, Garland, Garlick, John, Morrow, Spindle, Bowser/Bauser, Heltzel, Barber, Dysart, Breden, Rhea and possibly others.

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Original 5/31/01
Last updated 4/12/2007
Page by F. L. Preston