Dear Matthew,

With brother James, I send your papers with the original statement of your account and it appears there is $16.7.2 3/4 of your money in my hand yet which is ready for you on demand. I would be glad you would come up tomorrow and try what you can do respecting Donnell's affair. I am realy ashamed to see him. No doubt he will say, I have been too indulgent to a friend. I hope you will endeavor to prevent such a reflection A proper statement of the affair is also necessary. You have money lying in the treasury of the U.S. I have some, also; perhaps you can make it convenient to come up tomorrow & ride to Abingdon with me on Monday morning Early ( which is the time I must start) there to give me a power to receive the money in p a. The county seat must be to it - My love to sisters & cousins & believe me to be with a sincere good wish for your welfare.

Your Bro Robt Preston

27th Octr 1792

NB The bills of sales for the Negroes I have not sent but shall assign them before proper witnesses.



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Original 9/11/97
Last updated 4/13/2007
Page by F. L. Preston