Letter - Robert Preston


New Castle, Henry County 31st Oct 1818

In and about this place I have been two weeks tomorrow and have not yet seen one mortal that I would claim a personal acquaintance with. I am sincerely weary of living in such a way just trying to kill time til Monday next when I hope to get on the road towards Allen County. My letter to John of a former date will inform you of the reasons of my detention: in the mean time I have had the necessary information respecting unfortunate (?) gamble. I have also had some late information from L.Derry.


I hope I will be ennabled (?) by next (?) Monday to proceed to Allen County and at present I think I shall return home from there, omiting my journey to Tennessee but the appearance of the weather will determine ???? in that case when in Allen County.

I was three days at my Brothers and did not think proper to go back to him as it would have added about seventy miles to my journey and indeed I think it too long without any addition. I have not seen any of our friends in this Country except Major William Preston. He is in a fair way of recovery.

Now my dear Peggy I tell you I am as completely tired of Tavern living as I ever was and have a great and strong desire to be at home with you as when you were in prime of life. I believe age has rather strengthened than reduced my affection for you: your kind hand is the comfort of my age. Your smile (???) have been the repository of my inward thoughts and the real friend or comforter in mental distress--- Tell my mother I am well and hope I shall soon see her---Wishing you health my only love I am

Your affectionate Husband

Robt Preston

This is my best interpretation of the handwritten letter. In this period a s could appear as an f. New Castle, Henry Co., both exist in Virginia but not together. Henry Co. and New Castle are located NE of Louisville, KY. Both places where the county name Allen is used, he had Warren (?) County and crossed it out. There is no county by either name in Virginia but both are in Kentucky, Allen Co. on the Tennessee border and Warren Co. just north of that, and both almost directly south of Henry Co. in northern KY. This would be considered frontier country at that time. Robert would have been 67 or 68 at this time and Margaret Rhea Preston, his wife, 61. His brother was Walter Preston, his mother Eleanor Fairman Preston. the Major William Preston was probably the son of Col. William Preston of Smithfield. The John referred to was probably his son Col. John Preston (1781-1864). (Let me know if my interpretation is valid, Cousin Anne.) Fred Preston 7/1997.

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Original 7/30/97
Last updated 4/14/2007
Page by F. Preston