Will - of George Preston of Ingestrie, County of Stafford.
Dated 10July1716.


In the name of God Amen. I George Preston of Ingestrie in the County of Stafford………………being aged sick and weak in body but of sound and desposing mind and harmony prasied be God and do make this my last will and testatment as followeth.

First I recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it to me hoping through his mercye the alsuffinent merity of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ I shall have my sins pardoned and be made a happy partaker of eternal life when this mortal one shall end. And as my body to be decently buryed at the discretion of my Executer hereafter named. And as for such wordly…….as it hath pleased God to bless me with I dispose there of as followeth.

I do give and devise unto my son Phillip Preston all my right and title and interest of mi and to that messuge or tenerment and farme Little Loxley mi the county a foresent which I hold by Leane from Thomas Kinnersley of Loxley in the sd county………..ninety nine yeare determinable at my decease and the decease of my daughter Anne and my sd son Phillip my executors hereafter named paying out of the rents and proffitts of the same unto my daughter Elizabeth my …………….daughter Anne and my son George Preston twenty pounds apiece which I hereby give them to be raised as followeth…………my mind and will is that my excutore hereafter named shall imploy and pay so much og the rents and profits of the sd farme for the maintenance and education of my said son Phillip until he shall attain to his age of one and twenty years or slall be marryed as they shall think fit and out of the overplus of the sd rents and proffit besides what shall be expended for the maintenance and education shall as soon as may be raise and pay the sd …………….. three score pounds before given to my sd daughters Elizabeth and Anne and to my son George Ham.

I give to my sd son Phillip my big bible. Item I give moreover to my sd daughter Elizabeth one hundred pounds and to my sd daughter Anne one hundred pounds and my little bible and my mind and will is that my excutor hereafter named shall put out to interest to the best advantage the several …………. Of one hundred pounds apeece given to my sd daughters and likewise the twenty pounds apiece given to them before and shall imploy so much of the interest of the same for their respective maintenance and education as they shall think fitt and shall pay the principles together with what overplus shall be besides what shall be exoended for their respective maintenance of the interest of the same to them when they shall attainie to their respective ages of one and twenty yeares or shall be respectively marryed which shall first happen. Item the one half of all the rest of my personal estate goods cattle and chattels of what kind and nature soever the same be I do moreover to my sd son George and my mind is that my excutore hereafter named shall sell the same as soon as may be after my decease and the moneys arising thereby and also the twenty pounds before given him when raised, shall put out to interest to the best advantage for his life till he shall attain to his age of one and twenty yeares or shall ne marryed. Item I give to my illegitimate son John Preston of Weston one shilling and to my brother John Preston of Tixall a guinea. Item my mind and will is that if my sd son Phillip shall depart this life before he attaine to the age of one and twenty yeares or unmarryed when my sd daughter Anne shall enjoy all my right title and interests and to the sd Messnageos tenement and farme in Loxley aforesaid and the hundred pounds before given her with interest that shall thence forward arise for the same shall be given and devided between my sd daughter Elizabeth and son George.

Item my mind and will is that if any my sd children Elizabeth Anne and George shall depart this life before he she or they shall attain to his her or their respective age or ages of one and twenty yeares or unmarryed that them the survivor or survivors of them my sd children shall enjoy the por…. With all proffits. Interests due for the same hereby left to her him or them so deceased And in case that all of my sd children shall happen to dye befor they attain to their perpective ages of one and twenty yeares or unmarryed and have no lawfull issue then my will is that the lega….hereby given and the interests then due for the same shall be equally devided into three parts and given as followeth……… one third part to my loving wife Anne, another third part to George the son of George Shelley of …………….. in the sd county ……………… Item I do give unto mr sd loving wife Anne Preston the other half of all the singular of the rest of my sd goods cattle chattels and personall estate of what kind and nature soever the same be equal with my sd son George upon condition that she pay and discharge my funeral expenses and for the probate of this my will. And on this further condition that she my sd wife shall do within the space of three months next after my decease seal and duly execute unto my executors hereafter named a Bond for the true payment of ten pounds of lawfull money of Great Britanic unto my executor hereafter named for the use of my sd sons Phillip and George and my sd daughters Elizabeth and Anne and the survivor and survivors of them within the space of three months next after the day of her second marryage if she shall be marryed again after my decease and if upon the tender of such a bond she shall refuse to signe and seal the same then mt mind and will is that mt executors here after named shall immediately siege upon the ……… one half of the goods cattle and chattels to her before given And I do hereby authorize and impower them to sell as much thereof as shall raise the …….. sume of ten pounds for the use of my children afore sd And that from the day of her second marryage my executors hereafter named shall have the full tuition of my sd children. Item I do nominate and appoint Nicholas Moor aforenamed and George Shelley sonr afore sd my loving kinsmen executors at this my last will and testament hereby revoking all other wills by me heretofore made And lastly I do constitute and ordain my loving friends Thomas Tooth of Hixton afore sd and my kinsman John Preston of Tixall in the sd county Superirsors of this my will desiring that they and my executors afore sd will accord of five shillings apeece at my decease to buy them gloves In witness where I have hereunto set my hand and seal the tenth day of July in the sencond year of the raigne of our sovereigne Lord King George our Great Britanic …..Anno….Dom….1716.

Signed sealed and published
In the presense of us who have
Subscribed our names in the …..
And at the request of the testator

                     George X Preston (SEAL)

John Alsop
John Robinson
Sam ………

Dorothy X Wetton

Whereas I Nicholas Moor of Shirleywich in the County of Stafford am nominated by George Preston late of Ingestry in the sd county deceased one of his executors in his last will and testament carring date 10 July 1716 thefo now are to certifie whom it may concern that not being willing to take the burthen of his execucutorship upon me I hereby signifie my absolute renunciation thereof as witnesses my hand the 26 April 1720

Nicholas Moore

Wm Mabbanck
Ri Gertoir

A true and perfect Inventory of all the goods and chattels of George Preston late of Ingestrey deceased Apprised and taken by John Robbinson of Tixall and John Fenn of Hopton the 18th of March in the year 1719

For his wareing apparell and money in his purse 2-00-00
For eleven cows and 3 young calves 33-00-00
Two Calving hefters 5-00-00
Four storkes 5-10-00
Seven yearling calves 7-00-00
Four mares at 17-15-0 and a little mare 1-10-00 19-05-00
Two year old colte 4-0-0- and two stow pigs 2-02-00 6-02-00
One cart and timbrei 2 plows and a pair of harrows 5-10-00
Corn in the barn both wheat and pease 2-18-00
Hay and straw in the barn and upon a rick 5-00-00
Gearing for 4 horses cart saddle rideing saddle and pillion 1-00-00
In ye house place-9 peuter dishes, 6 plates 6 porringers, a tankard and two Candlesticks one salt and mustard pot 1-03-09
Two brass pots one bigg and 5 smaller brass kettles 1-06-00
A long table and a form 3 joyn stools a small table 5 chairs a salt coster 0-16-00
A hand iron fire shovel, tongues, pott racks, cobbards, frying pann 0-06-00
Chasheing dish, a broach, 2 iron candlesticks and a fire plate a Lanthorn and sever odd things 0-03-06
Bigg parlour- three chests a cubbard 2 barrells a joyn chair & closestool 1-15-00
Two feather beds and furniture 4-00-00
One bed and a chest 1-00-00
In ye near chamber- A feather bed and furniture with a pair of bed steads 1-10-00
A cradle, coster, halfestricke, seeve, baggs and ….sheets 0-09-09
Further chamber- 14 strikes of mault 02-1104 oates 16 strikes, 16… 4-19-04
Cheese and bacon, 2 tubbs, a coster, little table and 3 straw tubbs 4-15-00
2 milking pales, 2 gallones, cheese press, churn turnil & hogg block 0-08-00
Long spinning wheel little wheel, and two small barrells 0-04-00
A pair of scales, trenchery spoones, and all earthen ware 0-03-00
3 pair of finer and 4 of courser sheets a table cloth half a dosen napkins and two snall pillow beers 1-14-04
4 days work of wheat, and 4 days work of oats growing in ground 8-10-00
7 days work of pease and beanes upon the ground growing 3-10-00
For dung in the yard, and for all other things 0-10-00
The testators not before apprised in this inventory
Money of the testators out at interest 110-00-00
Total 239-18-00

John Robinson )
John Henn ) apprisers


COMMENTS:I don't remember who sent this to me and I have no idea where or if this George fits into any of the Prestons shown on my pages. Help would be appreciated. To make it easier, he apparently died about 1719, his wife was Anne, and his children were Phillip, Anne, Elizabeth and George. Also had an illegitimate son John Preston of Weston. He also had a brother John Preston. Any help connecting this George would be appreciated.



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Original 6/17/2003
Last updated 4/13/2007
Page by F. L. Preston