Will of

Jennie Preston Newman

Recorded in Will Book #3 page 481, Blountville, TN

May 16, 1910.

I will and bequeth to my husband, T. J. Newman, my house and lot on Windsor Avenue, also my personal property his lifetime. My son, Carol Newman, my diamond pin and amathyst brooch. Seaton, my nephew, to have my piano, my mahogany bureau and my books. Carol to have some books which I will give to him. My large mirror to Floy, also my cameo and coral jewelry to Two. The Oak set of furniture, also the Walnut set, to go to Carol. My Walnut set and bedding to go to Seaton. Black leather furniture to go to Seaton. Mahogany sofa to go to Seaton.

If my husband should be dead at the time of my demise, it is my wish that my house and lot on Windsor Avenue should be sold and after defraying my funeral expenses the remainder to be divided between J. B., Seaton, Carol and Jennef.

12 gilt band custard cups, which were my mother's, to be divided six each to my neices Janie Bailey Byars and Julia Flournoy Tillar. Mattie Bailey Price to have one gilt band pickle dish and one white one. My daughter Carrie F. Newman to have hand painted bon bon dish, cut glass vase, green salad bowl, red celery dish, hand painted cake plate. Seaton to have loving cup and hand painted china, also cut glass tumblers, carafe. Carrie to have cut glass celery dish.

(Signed) Jennie Preston Newman

May 17th 1910.

I add this amendment to my will. At the death of my husband, Mr. T. J. Newman, my house and lot on Windsor Avenue I will and bequeath to J. B. and Seaton Preston. Carol and Jennef, to have $50 (Fifty Dollars) each out of any money left from my estate. Seaton is to have my diamond ring. Carol the stick pin at my death.

(Signed) Jennie P. Newman

Carrie to have the Walnut sideboard. Seaton to have my china press. Floy to have 1 doz. gilt band soup plates. Jennef 1 doz. gilt band soup plates. All my property not mentioned in will to go to Seaton.

(Signed) Jennie Preston Newman


Commentary: I just came into possession of this will and it was significant to me because the living Newmans have no record of Jennie Preston, wife of T. J. Newman. According to their genealogy Thomas James Newman married Alda Roper, dau. of Benjamin Roper, in 1876. I now have proof that Jennie Fairman Preston was married to T. J. Newman in 1900 in Bristol, VA. (Letter written by my father when he was 8 years old, Oct. 17th, 1900 in Bristol.) Question is when did they get married.

Characters mentioned that I can place:

Seaton was my father. He was probably very close to Jennie because his mother, Harriet Tinsley Preston died when he was 6 years old. J. B. would be my fathers father, James Brainerd Preston. Carol Newman was the son of T. J. Newman. Carrie F. Newman would be Carolyn Fain Newman, Carol Newmans wife. Carol and Carrie had four children but the first was born in 1910, the year this will was recorded, thus they were not mentioned. Janie Bailey Byars would be Jane Rhea Bailey who married Joseph Cloyd Byars. They lived in Bristol for a time but both died at the Old Deery Inn in Blountville, TN. Julia Flournoy Tillar was Julia Flournoy Bailey who married William Thomas Tillar. Mattie Bailey Price was Martha Preston Bailey who married Judge John W. Price. Not sure about 'Jennef' 'Floy' or 'Two' .... help would be appreciated.

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Original 9/5/98
Last updated 4/13/2007
Page by F. Preston