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Consciousness, Physics, and the Holographic Paradigm

Essays by A.T. Williams

Part I:  Sneaking Up On Einstein

The search for the fundamental constituents of matter continues,
and the search for irreducible nonmaterial primordial energy has only just begun.
- A.T. Williams


Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4

Chapter 1

Section 3:  Fundamental Forces

According to the universal principle of energy each macroscopic, microscopic, atomic, subatomic, nuclear, and subnuclear material object is a discrete, organized aggregation of conditionally relative nonmaterial primordial energy. Holonomically reconstructed in the nonmaterial energy domain as a sequential series of periodic holonomic image events, each emergent material object within the multidimensional material domain of our holographic universe is pervaded with and maintained by the synergistic activity of at least four nonmaterial, nonmechanical fundamental forces or interactions. The four presently known fundamental forces are electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, and gravitation.

From subnuclear elementary particles with electric charge called quarks to the cosmos itself, the electromagnetic force is ubiquitous and limited only by the finite boundary of our holonomic subluminal universe. From high-energy subnuclear particles to the cosmos itself, each emergent material object that possesses physically real mass, can be weighed, and occupies space is subject to the force of gravity. The strong force and the weak force respectively interact with nuclear and subnuclear constituents within the atomic nucleus.

If there is a lesson to be learned from the unprecedented pace of 20th century scientific advancement, perhaps the lesson is that humankind has taken only the first small steps toward a comprehensive scientific knowledge and understanding of ultimate reality just-as-it-is. The search for new pieces of the perpetual puzzle of Nature continues. Thus in addition to the four known forces there may be other fundamental forces and interactions which are presently unknown, undefined, and undescribed by science. Indeed, the energy of consciousness may be another hidden piece of Nature's puzzle whose time to be revealed has arrived.

The nonmaterial energy of consciousness:

In the 17th century CE, René Descartes (1596-1650) not only observed that the physical body affects mind, but also that mind affects the physical body. Based on these observations Descartes hypothesized that the tangible human body – which includes the organic brain – is extended in space, but intangible mind and thought are not. Descartes' near contemporary Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) reasoned that tangible matter and intangible mind are simply two different aspects of the same underlying ground of being; therefore tangible bodies, intangible minds, and thought itself are all extended in space.

If our multidimensional holonomic universe has separate nonmaterial and material domains as implied not only by 20th century physics, but also by the recently discovered universal principle of energy, then Spinoza had the better understanding of the classical mind/body problem. The physics of his day, however, were not sufficiently developed to explain the underlying physical principles. Thus the intangible/tangible or, more precisely, nonmaterial/material interactions described by Descartes and Spinoza remained unresolved until Nobel laureate Dennis Gabor's discovery of hologram theory in 1947 eventually led to unexpected new insights into the fundamental, irreducible primordial energy foundation of all-encompassing physical reality just-as-it-is.

On The Energetic Holographic Paradigm (TEHP, pronounced "teep") model of physical reality, the organic human brain and autonomous nonmaterial holonomic mind are independently produced on separate and distinct conditionally relative levels of holonomic existence. Together they constitute a synergistic holonomic complex in which a functioning organic brain hosts an autonomous nonmaterial holonomic mind. In a hierarchical sense, the organic human brain and autonomous nonmaterial holonomic mind are reciprocally reconstructed holograms within a hologram within a hologram.

In other words, each nonmaterial mind/material brain complex in a living human being is a unique combination of energetic nonmaterial and material holonomic images that emerge reciprocally (are holonomically reconstructed) within our finite, subluminal material universe which itself emerges reciprocally (is holonomically reconstructed) on an undetermined level of existence within a single all-inclusive, conditionally relative hologram that emerges reciprocally (is holonomically constructed) within the unconditioned, irreducible, nonmaterial primordial energy of physical reality just-as-it-is.

An undetermined number of conditionally relative, reciprocally emergent holonomic levels (dimensions, venues) of experience exist between our subluminal holonomic universe and the original all-inclusive, conditionally relative hologram that emerges reciprocally within unconditioned, irreducible, nonmaterial primordial energy. Even so, in principle the hyperenergy and hyperinformation interfaces, transformations, and transfers between the nonmaterial and material domains via the subquantum energy bridge are amenable to scientific and experimental investigation.

The all-inclusive TEHP model of physical reality just-as-it-is postulates not only that the objective, conflated nonmaterial energies of human and autonomous holonomic minds cohabit the holonomic mind/brain complex, but also that an objective massless continuum (spectrum) of conditionally relative consciousness in the nonmaterial energy domain that encompasses and transcends the material domain acts as the comprehensive agent of conditionally relative nonmaterial primordial energy per se.

If the objective, conditionally relative continuum of consciousness in the nonmaterial energy domain is compared to the objective electromagnetic radiation spectrum in the material domain, the results of scientific investigation may provide a better understanding of the role the energy of consciousness plays in fundamental nonmaterial and material physics.

Thus the physics of the objective continuum of conditionally relative conscious energy and the physics of the fundamental, irreducible nonmaterial energy and information domain can be seen as key issues – indeed, the key issues – of 21st century physics.

A bold prediction:

The TEHP holographic model of physics also postulates that unconditioned primordial consciousness is indistinguishable from the underlying, pre-existing ground of unconditioned nonmaterial physical energy within which all nonmaterial and material phenomena manifest. In other words, unconditioned nonmaterial physical energy and unconditioned primordial consciousness per se are identical.

In principle a broad continuum or spectrum of conditionally relative phenomenal consciousness emerges reciprocally within the underlying ground of unconditioned primordial energy. The reciprocally emergent continuum of conditionally relative phenomenal consciousness then organizes and directs the energetic holonomic activity that produces, contains, and maintains, each and every holographic image event within ultimate reality just-as-it-is. Thus:

  1. Unconditioned primordial consciousness per se and unconditioned nonmaterial physical energy per se are identical.
  2. Omnipresent, subquantum, conditionally relative phenomenal consciousness is the agent of fundamental, irreducible, nonmaterial physical energy per se.
  3. Particulate matter is organized and maintained as the material feature of our reconstructed, conditionally relative holonomic universe which is created by the energetic activity of the nonmaterial continuum or spectrum of phenomenal consciousness on a reciprocally emergent transcendent level within the fundamental, irreducible, nonmaterial energy domain.
  4. In principle the objective, nonmaterial continuum or spectrum of conditionally relative phenomenal consciousness is amenable to scientific investigation.

An energetic force, an agent, or both?

One implication of the recently discovered universal principle of energy is that the conditionally relative transcendent continuum of nonmaterial phenomenal consciousness exerts only an indirect action on organized, structured, particulate matter in our holonomically reconstructed material domain by means of nonmaterial/material – energy/information interfaces.

In principle the objective physical energy of consciousness is multiple orders of magnitude weaker than the approximately 6 × 10-39 force of gravity, the weakest of the four fundamental energetic interactions presently known to science. Furthermore, gravity is a property of physical mass and transcendent, reciprocally emergent consciousness is the agent of nonmaterial physical energy.

Nevertheless, the conditionally relative energetic activity of the transcendent continuum of nonmaterial phenomenal consciousness does indeed provide the necessary and sufficient physical force or energetic activity required to create, reconstruct, and maintain the conditionally relative hologram of our compound, holonomic, closed (conservative) nonmaterial/open (nonconservative) material system.

Thus, in the final analysis, conditionally relative, transcendent, omnipresent phenomenal consciousness is indeed a fundamental physical force or interaction as well as the agent of nonmaterial physical energy per se.

Continued in Chapter 1, Section 4:  Quantum and Quanta


Back to Chapter 1, Section 2:  A Novel Concept

Index:  Consciousness, Physics, and the Holographic Paradigm

Last Edit:  February 26, 2007.

Comments and suggestions welcome.

This paper is a work in progress.
Please check for the latest update before quoting in other venues the concepts and hypotheses presented here.
Thank you.


Copyright © 2002-2007 by Alan T. Williams. All rights reserved.