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Consciousness, Physics, and the Holographic Paradigm

Essays by A.T. Williams

Part I:  Sneaking Up On Einstein

All matter is immersed in it and it penetrates everywhere. No doors are closed to ether.
- Albert Einstein, The Evolution of Physics 1


Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4

Chapter 3

Section 3:  New Scientific Challenges

A master of classical (Newtonian) physics,12 Einstein viewed special relativity as a heuristic principle and used the the body of knowledge developed by thermodynamics as a guide for his own development of the theory of special relativity.13,14 It is axiomatic that the basic pillars which support our present understanding of reality just-as-it-is have been developed through the synthesis of theoretical and experimental work in physics. For example:

  1. The principles of thermodynamics.
  2. The principle of relativity.
  3. The quantum principle.

Recognizing that Einstein's mathematics are noticeably guided by classical (Newtonian) physics, his special and general theories of relativity as well as his virtual or apparent mass-energy equivalence E = mc² are primarily, if not exclusively, applicable to closed or isolated (conservative) material systems. Thus his mathematics implicitly or explicitly exclude open (nonconservative) material systems, open and closed energy systems that contain no particulate matter, and any other non-classical physical system. Nonetheless, characterizing Einstein's method of using heuristic principles, John Stachel writes:

Rather than being deductions from other theories, such principles are taken as postulates for deductive chains of reasoning, resulting in the formulation of general criteria that all physical theories must satisfy.14

Elaborating on the heuristic theme, the new physics of the universal principle of fundamental, irreducible, nonmaterial physical energy per se explicitly include open and closed material systems, open and closed nonmaterial energy systems which contain embedded open (nonconservative) material systems, and open and closed nonmaterial energy systems that contain no particulate matter.

  • The universal principle of energy implies that a closed (conservative) material system is fabricated, artificial, unable to sustain itself for an indefinite period of time, and has a very low probability of real existence in physical reality just-as-it-is. Therefore, the probability that closed (conservative) material systems are naturally occurring embedded components in either open or closed nonmaterial physical energy systems is excluded at the present time.

Discovering, investigating, and defining the presently unidentified aspects of fundamental, irreducible, nonmaterial (subquantum, prequantum) physical energy per se and extending the energy conservation laws to include open (nonconservative) material systems, open and closed nonmaterial energy systems that contain no particulate matter, and compound closed (conservative) nonmaterial/open (nonconservative) material systems, are the foremost scientific challenges of the 21st century.

A few major insights into the new physics:

Major insights into the energetic new physics of the 21st century begin with the the universal principle of energy which is the bridge between the classical (Newtonian) physics and quantum mechanics of the material domain and the fundamental, irreducible, nonmaterial (unquantized subquantum, prequantum) physical energy domain. All else follows. For example:

  1. Nothing is created from nothingness.
    • Each and every nonmaterial and material phenomenon manifests within all-encompassing, fundamental, irreducible, nonmaterial (unquantized subquantum, prequantum) physical energy per se.
  2. Our finite, local spacetime continuum and our finite, local material universe are two separate open (nonconservative) physical systems.
    • Our intangible, local spacetime continuum manifests in the nonmaterial energy domain and our tangible, local material universe is holographically reconstructed within the local spacetime continuum.
      • These two separate physical systems may also be separate in scope and duration rather than co-extensive.
  3. Neither energy nor mass is conserved in an open (nonconservative) material system.
    • Comprehensive, total energy is conserved in the compound closed (conservative) nonmaterial energy system within which the open (nonconservative) material systems are embedded.
  4. The classical and quantum mechanical conservation of mass laws for closed or isolated (conservative) material systems cannot be generalized to open (nonconservative) material systems.
    • This implies that open (nonconservative) and closed (conservative) material systems necessarily require separate conservation of energy laws.
  5. Einstein's equation E = mc² for a material particle at rest is a limited, special case which is valid only in a closed or isolated (conservative) material system.
  6. Each individual atom is an open (nonconservative) material system.
    • Each atom can emit or absorb quantized electromagnetic energy with no change in properties.
    • Each atom can change its net electrical charge and its properties by losing or gaining one or more electrons (e-) through the process of ionization.
  7. Consciousness per se is objective, irreducible, nonmaterial (unquantized subquantum, prequantum) physical energy.
    • Some objective, nonmaterial conscious energy is unconditioned.
    • Some objective, nonmaterial conscious energy is conditionally relative.
      • Some conditionally relative consciousness acts as the agent of nonmaterial subquantum energy.
        • Our open (nonconservative), conditionally relative material universe is created by, immersed in, and pervaded with a broad spectrum of omnipresent, transcendent, nonmaterial (unquantized subquantum, prequantum) conscious energy.
  8. The Energetic Holographic Paradigm (TEHP, pronounced "teep") is a comprehensive, all-encompassing model of holonomic physical reality just-as-it-is.
    • The energetic holonomic images of our finite, local spacetime continuum and 4-dimensional, holonomic material universe are created and stored on some level within the all-encompassing, transcendent, nonmaterial energy realm.
      • Thus the transcendent continuum of nonmaterial consciousness per se creates, sustains, and maintains the holonomic reconstruction of our compound closed (conservative) nonmaterial/open (nonconservative) material universe.
  9. Quantized nonmaterial energy is propagated from point A to point B in the material domain through the omnipresent, pervasive medium of the unquantized nonmaterial energy domain.
  10. The quantized matter waves of Louis de Broglie (1892-1987), recipient of the 1929 Nobel Prize in Physics, are propagated from point A to point B in the material domain through the omnipresent, pervasive medium of the unquantized nonmaterial energy domain.
    • This implies that the state of the omnipresent, pervasive, nonmaterial physical energy domain between the initial state and the final state of a quantum mechanical observation must be considered in order to completely describe the experiment.
      • The inclusion of the missing middle nonmaterial energy state may lead to the resolution of the paradoxical results obtained in Thomas Young's classic double-slit experiment.
  11. In principle classical physics and quantum mechanics are subsumed by the new physics engendered by the universal principle of energy and The Energetic Holographic Paradigm (TEHP) model of physical reality just-as-it-is.

Toward new conservation laws:

Acknowledging not only that nonmaterial physical energy is the independent, irreducible foundation of our finite, subluminal material universe, but also that our finite, subluminal universe itself is an open (nonconservative) material system, necessitates new, far-reaching changes in our fundamental scientific concepts. For example:

  • Each and every open (nonconservative) and closed or isolated (conservative) material system is immersed in the all-encompassing, transcendent, nonmaterial (unquantized subquantum, prequantum) energy domain.
  • The conservation of energy (i.e., the principle that fundamental, irreducible, nonmaterial energy per se can be neither created nor destroyed) is valid not only in nonmaterial energy systems which contain no particulate matter, but also in nonmaterial energy systems which contain embedded particulate matter.
  • The conservation of mass (i.e., the concept that particulate matter can be neither created nor destroyed) is valid in open (nonconservative) material systems if and only if the physics of the all-encompassing, pervasive, nonmaterial (unquantized subquantum, prequantum) energy domain are neglected or disregarded.
  • The conservation of mass-energy (i.e., Einstein's hypothesis that special relativity combines the separate classical conservation laws of energy and mass into a single mass-energy conservation law through the equation E = mc²) is valid in closed or isolated (conservative) material systems if and only if the physics of the all-encompassing, pervasive, nonmaterial (subquantum, prequantum) energy domain are neglected or disregarded.
  • Neither mass nor energy is conserved in open (nonconservative) material systems embedded within compound nonmaterial/material systems. Thus:
    • Comprehensive, total energy in the compound closed (conservative) nonmaterial/open (nonconservative) material system is conserved globally.
    • Particulate matter can be, and is, physically created and destroyed in compound closed (conservative) nonmaterial/open (nonconservative) material systems.
      • Particulate matter (i.e., material mass) is conserved only in closed or isolated (conservative) material systems.
  • The conservation of linear and angular momentum remain unchanged.
    • Linear and angular momentum are conserved in both open and closed (isolated) material systems.

Cosmic challenges:

Recent state-of-the-art BOOMERanG (Balloon Observations Of Millimetric Extragalactic Radiation and Geomagnetics) and WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) experiments seem to confirm a high energy/low matter density cosmology which is consistent with a compound closed (conservative) nonmaterial/open (nonconservative) material system. Contemporary astronomical observations of our holonomic spacetime continuum also suggest that our finite subluminal material universe 15 has low matter density, is inflationary (with an accelerating rate of expansion) and flat (with large-scale Euclidean geometry).

An in-depth analysis of the data indicates that our expanding material universe is comprised of approximately 30 percent undiscovered "dark matter," 3 percent ordinary, tangible matter, and the remaining 67 percent is so-called quintessence,16 the massive amount of recently discovered, undefined, cosmic "dark energy" that pervades the material universe.17

The coherent pattern of vast energy fields and low matter density seems to be a structural principle of our energetic, holonomic material universe. Using various kinds of specialized instruments to extend our human perception into the microscopic atomic, subatomic, nuclear and subnuclear domains counterintuitively reveals that macroscopic and microscopic objects are comprised of relatively vast energy fields that encompass surprisingly small amounts of material mass.

Transcendent (unquanitzed subquantum, prequantum) hyperenergy and hyperinformation may interface with our open material spacetime system via the so-called quintessence or dark energy. Indeed, the transcendent hyperenergy/hyperinformation domain may produce the unexplained, unbound or free dark energy18 via nonmaterial/material energy interfaces.

This coherent continuum of nonmaterial/material, energetic/dynamic phenomena is ordered from the macroscopic to the subnuclear by increasing levels of binding energy and a corresponding decrease in physical mass. The physical universe that human beings see, touch, taste and smell contains the largest material objects with the greatest mass and the lowest levels of binding energy. Thus the coherent pattern of high-energy fields containing low matter density is repeated again and again as material size either increases or decreases in scope on a scale ranging from the undefined bound of our open (nonconservative), macroscopic material universe to the unquantized, subquantum, hyperenergy/hyperinformation transition zone that links the nonmaterial and material realms of physical reality just-as-it-is.

If contemporary science has discovered that our finite, local universe consists of 67 percent unexplained dark energy, only 3 percent ordinary matter, and 30 percent unknown and unseen dark matter, then there is substantial agreement with the view that fundamental, irreducible, nonmaterial energy per se is the indispensable, primordial background of the perpetual puzzle of Nature while particulate matter per se provides the material objects seen in the foreground.

Perhaps the most significant implication of the BOOMERanG, WMAP, and similar data is the fact that our present scientific knowledge has barely scratched the surface of comprehensive physical reality just-as-it-is.

Continued in Chapter 3, Section 4:  An Apparent Universal Constant


Reference Notes (Click on the Note number to return to the text):

12  Stachel, John, editor. Einstein's Miraculous Year, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1998, pp. 13, 14.  ISBN 0-691-05938-1

13  Einstein, Albert. Comments on the Note of Mr. Paul Ehrenfest: "The translatory Motion of Deformable Electrons and the Area Law" (Bemerkungen zu der Notiz von Hrn. Paul Ehrenfest: "Die Translation deformierbarer Elektronen und der Flächensatz"); Annalen der Physik, 23 (1907):  206-208. Anna Beck, translator; The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein: English Edition, vol. 2, Doc. 44, pp. 236-237, Princeton University Press, Princeton NJ, 1989.  ISBN 0-691-08549-8.

14  Ref. 12, p. 106. (cf. Schilpp, Paul Arthur, editor. Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist, Open Court, La Salle, Illinois, [1951] 1970, pp. 53)

15  To view this PostScript (*.ps) file, your browser must have 1) a Ghostscript interpreter and 2) a Ghostscript viewer installed. Ordinary users may obtain FREE Ghostscript and Ghostviewer software through (Note:  Ghostview is platform specific and the Ghostscript software MUST be installed BEFORE the GSviewer is installed.)

16  An Acrobat Reader is required to view this Portable Document Format (*.pdf) file. Click here if the PostScript (*.ps) format is preferred.

17  Science News, vol. 161, No. 1, January 5, 2002, p. 5. (cf. the Rutgers-Princeton and Cambridge-Edinburgh analyses.)


Back to Chapter 3, Section 2:  EMR and Light Wave Energetics

Index:  Consciousness, Physics, and the Holographic Paradigm

Last Edit:  December 22, 2004.

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Copyright © 2004 by Alan T. Williams. All rights reserved.