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Consciousness, Physics, and the Holographic Paradigm

Essays by Alan T. Williams

Part II:  Conditional Relativity

The journey to an answer is not always a straight line.
- Steve Gibson, Gibson Research Corporation


Section 1 Section 2 Section 3

Chapter 7

Section 3:  The Comprehensive Primordial Energy Hologram

Scientific investigation of the nonmaterial continuum, or spectrum, of objective consciousness will undoubtedly have far-reaching effects on the scope and practice of fundamental physics in understanding the scope and role of nonmaterial consciousness per se; in the conservation of energy; in cosmology; in the physics of particulate matter; etc., etc. Indeed, the law of causality may be revitalized as the scope of physical science is immeasurably extended by investigations into the nonmaterial (subquantum) energy domain. Thus it would seem that the fundamental physics of the pervasive, omnipresent, ultrahigh frequency energy and information domain and the physics of the comprehensive energetic continuum, or spectrum, of consciousness itself are key issues – indeed, the key issues – of 21st century physics.3

The Energetic Holographic Paradigm (TEHP, pronounced "teep"):

  1. Unconditioned nonmaterial primordial energy per se is the fundamental, irreducible ground of being within which – without exception – all conditionally relative material and nonmaterial phenomena manifest.
  2. In principle holonomic physical reality just-as-it-is is entirely objective.
  3. In accordance with the universal principle of energy, the fundamental physical and holonomic principles of The Energetic Holographic Paradigm (TEHP) describe a comprehensive, all-inclusive physical model of energetic ultimate reality just-as-it-is.
  4. A 180 degree phase shift (a reciprocal inversion) acts as an irreversible phenomenal barrier between the unconditioned nonmaterial primordial ground of being and the conditionally relative emergence of the many within uncreated, unconditioned, nonmaterial primordial energy.
  5. There is an additional 180 degree phase shift (a reciprocal inversion) between each generated or stored hologram and its reciprocally reconstructed holonomic progeny.
    1. In an energetic, multilevel holonomic hierarchy each reciprocally reconstructed (inverted) holonomic scene or venue is produced from a parent hologram generated or stored on the preceding transcendent level of holonomic activity. Each holonomic child, in turn, may become the parent of one or more new holograms.
  6. As the conditionally relative hierarchical depth or level of generated or stored holograms increases, the complexity of the reciprocally reconstructed holonomic scene or venue also increases.
  7. Embedded within the encompassing, reciprocally emergent, holonomic space-time continuum, our compound closed (conservative) nonmaterial/open (nonconservative) material universe is a sequential series of periodic, synergistic, multidimensional holonomic image events that are reciprocally reconstructed from a transcendent, nonmaterial parent hologram which is generated or stored on an undetermined level of reciprocally emergent conditional relativity within the fundamental, irreducible, unconditioned primordial energy of physical reality just-as-it-is.
    1. Nonmaterial and material holonomic manifestations immersed in the reconstructed, reciprocally emergent scene or venue of our nonmaterial/material universe interact with the transcendent parent hologram via the hyperenergy/hyperinformation interfaces of the subquantum energy bridge.
    2. Each all-inclusive present moment in our holonomic material universe – our energetic, compound closed (conservative) nonmaterial/open (nonconservative) material system – has at least eight physically real space-time dimensions:
      1. The conditionally relative nonmaterial parent or stored hologram of our nonmaterial/material universe implies at least three transcendent space dimensions and one transcendent time dimension (4-D) within each all-inclusive present moment.
      2. The reciprocally reconstructed holonomic scene or venue of our nonmaterial/material universe implies at least three reciprocally emergent space dimensions and one reciprocally emergent time dimension (4-D) within each all-inclusive present moment.
      3. Therefore the all-inclusive, conditionally relative present moment within our compound closed (conservative) nonmaterial/open (nonconservative) material space-time system seems to be comprised of at least three transcendent and three reciprocally emergent space dimensions, plus one transcendent and one reciprocally emergent time dimension (8-D).
  8. Omnipresent, fundamental, nonmaterial hyperenergy and hyperinformation are entirely independent of matter and exist in the absence of matter.
  9. Particulate matter per se is comprised of discrete, organized aggregations of conditionally relative nonmaterial energy and cannot exist in the absence of fundamental, irreducible, nonmaterial primordial energy.
  10. The fundamental, conditionally relative nonmaterial continuum of phenomenal consciousness is entirely objective.
    1. Autonomous nonmaterial holonomic minds independently emerge reciprocally within uncreated, unconditioned, irreducible primordial energy.
    2. Each functioning organic human brain hosts an autonomous nonmaterial holonomic mind.
    3. Nonmaterial and material personal experience is acquired through the objective energy of subjective, conditionally relative consciousness.
    4. Personal experience is entirely subjective on the nonmaterial as well as the material plane of existence.
  11. The historic lack of scientific evidence implies not only that the energy of consciousness may be orders of magnitude weaker than gravity, but also that the signal-to-noise ratio of the objective, energetic events of consciousness is extremely low. 4

To be continued.


Reference Notes (Click on the Note number to return to the text):

3  This section is also found in Chapter 1, Section 3.

4  This section is also found in Chapter 1, Section 2.


Back to Chapter 7, Section 2:  Young's double-slit experiment

Index:  Consciousness, Physics, and the Holographic Paradigm

Last Edit:  September 9, 2006.

Comments and suggestions welcome.

This paper is a work in progress.
Please check for the latest update before quoting in other venues the concepts and hypotheses presented here.
Thank you.


Copyright © 2004-2006 by Alan T. Williams. All rights reserved.