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Consciousness, Physics, and the Holographic Paradigm

Consciousness, Mind, Matter Diagram


A bare-bones concept of The Energetic Holographic Paradigm (TEHP) is presented in this simplified Consciousness, Mind, Matter line diagram:

upc <=> em <=> cr <=> hm* <=> ch <=> om* <=> p

  • upc = Egoless, omnipresent, unconditioned pure consciousness, uncreated, pre-existing, nonmaterial physical energy.
  • em = Innumerable egoless entities, each of which emerges reciprocally within (is encompassed by, and inseparable from) unconditioned primordial consciousness. (1 / 1 = 1).
  • cr = Nonmaterial time and conditional relativity begin with the reciprocal emergence of the first egoless entity within unconditioned pure consciousness.
  • hm* = Autonomous, transcendent (nonmaterial, subquantum) holonomic mind. (1 / 1+n phenomenal thoughts = mind)
  • ch = An energetic, nonmaterial, cosmogenic hologram that emerges reciprocally (is holographically reconstructed) at some conditionally relative level of holonomic activity.
  • om* = Intangible, nonmaterial, ordinary human mind and thought (as opposed to the organic human brain), which links with the transcendent (nonmaterial, subquantum) hyperenergy and hyperinformation of autonomous holonomic mind via a nonmaterial / material interface, or interfaces.
  • p = The tangible particulate matter of our open (nonconservative), sub-light-speed holonomic system, our local spacetime continuum.

Note:  <=> represents a two-way process.

Last updated:  December 10, 2002.

