J. Lowther
The Online Portfolio of Jason Lowther

Born in Garfield, NJ, I lived in a house with more people than space. I spent most of my adolescent life sleeping on the floors and the living room couch. It was not until I was thirteen that I finally got a room of my own when two of my siblings moved away. Prior to this I found myself with little space, but filled with miles of imagination. Every corner and hole that I could fit into found a place for me to escape and create life with pictures. Yet, to me, art is not just an escape from my surroundings, but more of a visual diary of my experiences to share with the world.

  With every picture that I have drawn, I try to take something from each experience and ask myself what worked and why. To study art is to understand the logic that goes into each line, dot, and smudge that goes onto a sheet of paper or canvas. More or less, for me, art is not being able to draw what you see, but to make others believe what you saw.


  There is no one moment I can tell you that I decided to become an artist. From a very early age, the aroma of Crayola crayons and Elmer’s Glue could be seen visibly trailing my path. Creating pictures and wanting them to be shown to the world has always been my passion. Art takes many forms and should not be censored or inhibited as it can be seen in everything. From the masters, DaVinci and Michelanglo, to the artist of the Sunday comics, Waterson and Davis, and the everyday advertisements that bombard the airwaves, I have drawn my inspiration to create from many places.

  Art is a passion that is measured by emotion. As I was once told in the old cliché, “You have to draw the line somewhere.” I’ve never believed in that concept; you just have to know where to start and then draw the line EVERYWHERE.