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in may of 2002, Jackson county took delivery of this 2000 Miller/McCoy type I-4 wheel drive f-350 mini mod. although used, she only had 13,000 miles on the odometer.
this month, she played a very historic role for jackson county.
she was selected to be the standby ambulance for a very special guest to Ripley's 4th of July celebration, known as the "largest small town 4th of July celebration in the united states"
The President of the United States
This event started out innocent enough. The Chairman of the 4th of July Committee and his wife were talking last year about who to be the Grand Marshal of this years event.
I think we owe the Veterans of this community a tribute, why not make them the Grand Marshal for the year 2002 Ceremonies?
OK, suppose we ask the President of the United States to present a letter to the Veterans to be read by a Distinguished Guest, perhaps a Congressman, Senator, Governor, Mayor or Such?
Enter Congresswoman Shelly Moore Capito, of West Virginia.
"How about the President himself deliver a message to the Veterans of this Country?"
Enter into our community in the middle of June 2002 the Secret Service.
Now, talk about total work, secret meetings, news releases, and preparations!!!!!!!!!!!
Here we go. The stage is set, June 28th, from the Mayor's office.
"I'm tickled to death to announce that the President of the United States is coming to Ripley West Virginia." He will be honoring our Veterans.
Well the Stage was set. The "Man" is coming to
"Ripley" West Virginia.
Preparations are underway. The Secret Service is really in charge. This way, that way, this here, that there, we'll do this, and we'll do that. This goes here, we need that, who is that and where is this? The town and the county are abuzz. Cleaning this, checking that.
The Night Before, 435 is prepped by the crew.
Man she's pretty.
Next morning, she has to be inspected by the
Secret Service before his arrival.
All compartments, under the hood, and under
the body are checked by the agents.
After a complete inspection and check for
anything unusual, 435 passes it's check.
And a hot line to the White House is temporarily
installed in the cab of the ambulance.
The selected crew in place and ready.
The rest of Jackson County EMS is preparing for the days events.
He's Here
And now for the Motorcade
We're going to town
The show is on and the crowd loves it.
The President gave a very uplifting speech to a crowd estimated at over 8,000 people on a 95 degree day in downtown "Ripley" West Virginia.
Back to the waiting helicopter.
And away we go, all of this in a matter of 40 minutes.
For some reason, everyone gets a kick out of these pictures.
Guess it sort of tells it all in a nut shell. The business end of the trip in one photo for Jackson County EMS, and Jackson County West Virginia.
Most of these photos were taken by the crew on 435 the day of the Presidents visit. Others were taken from the Ripley 4th of July website. This was a very informative and inspirational experience for the folks at Jackson County EMS.
Our Folks and our Ambulance were called upon in the event of, and were prepared for in case of, as in our everyday job.
Sure this was a special person and event, but isn't everyone we serve "in the line of duty?"
A lot of preparation went into this event as I have been showing, we worked hard for this historic event in our community. Jackson County EMS was also in charge of rendering aid to folks in the crowd that day. We got off cheap, we had a very minimal amount of medical problems during this, and all were handled quickly and professionally.
The folks of Jackson County are lucky to have a service such as this, and we can only thank everyone we are fortunate to have a service there in case of need.
A very special thanks to Roane County EMS, St. Joseph Hospital and Camdem-Clark Ambulance Services for covering our County while we attended to this detail, couldn't have done it without you.
This page created by and maintained by myself
Charles V. Rogers Jr
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