Healed Cats

Mother's Cat

My mother had a cat long ago that got bit by a snake, her neck swelled up really bad and the cat looked like it would die, she scratched her swelled neck to the muscle, you could see her blood vain and she looked awful. My mother soon found it dead and prayed in Jesus name for the cat to live and as she prayed, she touched the cat’s neck.

When my brother seen the cat and saw how bad she looked, he went to get his rifle to kill the cat, mother said “you can’t kill the cat, I prayed for her to live!” My brother put the rifle away and waited to see if the cat would live.

Time passed and when my brother came back home the cat was well and pretty again, she did live and to this day my brother tells her story to all who will except the story, it’s a testimony of what God can do, and will do for any one who believes in Him and prays in Jesus name.

Daisy Mae

After I awoke on July 15, 2006 I found my kitten by her cat pot almost dead. I picked her up, she could barely meow, and her eye's wouldn't blink, she had a blank stare look out of them.

I wrapped her in a cup towel and anointed and prayed for her in Jesus name, and then I laid her on another towel in my rest room, unsure if she would live through the day.

My son Jon and I went about our business and out to eat. When we returned, I was afraid Daisy would be dead, but when I checked on her she was up walking around feeling better, she still wouldn’t eat good for me so I syringe fed her a small amount of kitty milk and wrapped her up again and put her in my rest room hoping she’ll snap completely back to normal.

I just kept praying for her and trusting God to heal her completely, I awaited upon the Lord. The next day Daisy Mae was still doing fine, eating, growing and playing great.

On July 27th Daisy Mae was still doing good, beginning to eat some cat food with her bottle of kitty milk.

I weaned her off her bottle when she turned two month’s old and I had her spade she is doing great, she had a good recovery and now she’s grown and beautiful, she is loved by everyone who comes to see us.

Today (September 27th 2008) Daisy Mae is grown and very healthy and a very sweet pretty cat that loves us very much, she gets along with my other cats Rose and Callie Jane.

Me with Daisy as KittenDaisy

In order, pics are: Me with daisy as a kitten, Daisy all grown up.

Mary J Bowers, 2008
