Our Generations and Faith in God

The Lord has put it upon my heart to tell my testimony of my dreams, visions, experiences of healings, and miracles. So that through the Holy Spirit, I will raise Him up to you that you may experience the true love of Jesus in your life so that you will be saved. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that, whosoever believe in Him shall have everlasting life. John 3:16

God is a God of love, forgiveness, and truth. He can show you the path of rightiousness that leads you to Heaven. He is the Great I Am, the greatest light of all, He is the beginning and the end of all things. God is love, truth, and life, the creator of all things. Be good to your neighbor and each other as God is good to you, and no harm will come unto you. Me and Cali

David Shane's Healing: My son David Shane was ten days old when he stopped breathing. During the next three and a half months, he had four brain surgeries that left him blind and paralyzed, and was on the verge of becoming a vegetable. He died many times and prayer brought him back, I was told that he wouldn't live long - two weeks to a few months maybe. God told me to pray for David and he would heal him. God told me to put my thumbs in his eyes, when I did His spirit spoke through me saying "open thine eyes and ye shall see, thou art healed" Immediately after this David could see and also move. Today he is 46 years old.

My Promised Child: I had to have a healing myself before I could have another baby. After David Shane was born, when I was nineteen or twenty years old the doctor told my mother that I needed a hysterectomy, because my uterus was black half way up and I had a tumor about the size of a grapefruit on the outside of my uterus, but God told my mother that he would give me a perfect son with no defects.

My Son Justin: When Justin was little, God warned me when he was in danger.

Healed Cats: God will even heal pets. God has healed my cat Daisy Mae when she was a kitten, he has also raised my mother's cat from the dead after it was bitten by a snake.

A Child's Prayer Answered - Our Doves: When my son Jeff was a child, he prayed for our dove to get a mate and have a baby - God answered this prayer.

Mother's Healings: My mother Francis K. Pierson has been healed of cateracts and a stroke.

"Through The Storm": Here is a poem that Mother wrote.

My Uncle Shirley: A little bit about my late Uncle Shirley.

Uncle Marvin: My Aunt Marjorie and my brother David Pierson talk about my uncle Marvin Pierson who was lost in the War.

Mary Bowers, 2008 - email: kattabared at suddenlink dot net