
I had been worrying about Justin more than the other sons because he was always into everything, one day the Lord spoke saying, “Don’t worry about Justin, I’ll let you know if he’s into something dangerous!” so I put Justin in God’s hands. One day Justin was outside in the fenced in back yard and the Lord spoke, “Go see what Justin has in his hands” I went and Justin was small at this time, he had a broken sharp piece of glass, he was cutting his arms with small cuts watching the blood come out, so I took the sharp glass away from him. The Lord said, “I told you I would watch over Justin” so I tried to not worry so much, and another time came and Justin was playing in the back yard and the Lord spoke again saying, “Go see what Justin has in his hands.” So I went and this time he was carrying around the yard a sharp long pointed water hose holder you put into the ground to hold it when you're not holding the water hose yourself, if he had of fell on that thing it would of went threw his little body and killed him. The Lord said, “Didn’t I tell you I would watch over him when you couldn’t?” I never worried over Justin again, I knew God’s hand was on him. Praise the Lord, for His mercy and loving kindness.

Jon wasn’t even walking good when Justin was born, he weigh 7 lbs 3 ˝ oz , 20 inches long, very orange red hair, brown eyes. Justin was sorta marked up at birth, but they all left except the one on the back of his head and neck, which look kinda like a tornado, but red in color, he also had a mark on his back, a small one though. Justin had trouble keeping down his formula, he had a closure and had to have surgery before he was 6 weeks old. He almost died. But God in His glory kept him safe for us. I was always so protective of my sons, because of the problems my first born David Shane had.

After Justin was born, a few years I became pregnant again, but miscarried that baby at 3 ˝ months. My fourth son born was Jeffrey Reed Bowers, born August 22nd, 1977 weigh 8 lbs 2 oz and was 20 inches long. He had lots of red hair and brown eyes. All the Bowers boys had red hair and brown eyes like me, their dad had brown eyes also, but he had brown hair to. The boys dad and I got a divorce before Jeff turned two years old and I begin working, and have worked for twenty nine years now. I didn’t remarry, because of my sons. Justin is now married, he and his wife Cindy has a teenage son Andre.

Mary J Bowers 2008


Jonathan and Justin as Small ChildrenJustin in ROTC with his GrandpaJustin's Family

Pictures above are: 1. Jonathan and Justin as small children, 2. Justin in ROTC with his grandpa (my dad), 3. Justin, Cindy, and Andre in 2005.