My Late Uncle Shirley

Uncle Shirley was the only other person that besides us that got to see my son David Shane blind and paralyzed right after we brought Him home from San Antonio, Texas to die, my uncle had came over to see Shane as soon as we got home. When he seen Shane in the shape he was in my uncle couldn’t stay, he couldn’t stand to see Shane in that shape, so he left quickly after seeing him.

As soon as Uncle Shirley heard about Shane’s healing he went out and bought him a beautiful stuffed horse, that held its head up over Shane and he loved that horse so very much, he would lift his hand up to the horse’s mouth to touch and feel of it, the fur was soft and the horse was colorful. He would laugh at the horse, because he loved it so much. I can remember his giggles after he was healed he is so sweet and he got fattened up from eleven pounds at three and a half months old to thirty three pounds at seven months old and he grew to thirty three inches long also at seven months old.

My uncle Shirley loved us so much, he was my mother’s brother, as time passed uncle Shirley would buy and bring us fried chicken and bread with sweet rolls and candy. He was so glad to see us come to visit him also in his later years, before his death, my uncle was a good man who cared for us so very much. We loved him dearly. He also worked for Holly’s Wrecker Company and was called to help out when the New London School blew up from a gas leak that killed so many children and teachers. That had to be one of the darkest days in my uncle’s life.

Lots of people knew uncle Shirley as The Bicycle Man, he sold used bicycles after he fixed them up like new, that would help him financially.

Uncle Shirley had two sons Shirley Ray and Charley Wayne Kirkley they’re both married with children and step children. Shirley Ray is an artist and Charley is retired from Kelly Springfield, I have always been close to them, Shirley Ray taught me how to swim the hard way, by throwing me in the pool in the deep water and telling me to swim or drown, then he would say kick your feet and move your arms and swim, I learn pretty quick that way and became a good swimmer, they lived across the street from Fun Forrest and we went swimming a lot.

Shirley Ray served in the Air Force and Charley served in the Army. I am so proud of them both and glad they're my cousins. Shirley Ray and my cousin Darrel Kirkley fixes up our family reunions and the invitations each year and sends them out to all our ken folks to come and meet.

Uncle ShirleyUncle ShirleyUncle Shirley by Wagon Shirley Ray Jr, Shirley Kirkley Sr., and Charley Wayne KirkleyKirkley Family

Pics in order are: Uncle Shirley, Uncle Shirley again, Uncle Shirley by a wagon, Uncle Shirley (middle) with his two sons Shirley Ray (left) and Charley Wayne (right), and the Kirkley family (Shirley Kirkley, Francis K Pierson (mother), Aunt Bonnie Hyatt, and Marjorie Moore (Aunt Mittie).

Mary J Bowers, Oct 9th 2008
