My Promised Child

Sometime after Shane's healing I needed surgery for bleeding too much during my periods and when I had the surgery the doctor told my mother that I needed a hysterectomy, I was only nineteen, the doctor told my mother that I had a tumor about the size of a grapefruit on the outside of my uterus and that my uterus was black half way up, when my mother heard that news after she went home she ask the Lord, "are you going to do that to her?" the Lord said, "no I am going to heal her and give her a normal son, don’t let them do surgery on her."

After the Lord had told my mother that, she told the doctor that she didn’t want the surgery done and mother never told me anything about it, she knew I’d be scared so she didn’t tell me anything, so when Ron and I met and he asked me to marry him, mother took him aside and told him what the doctor had said, and told Ron that the Lord was going to heal me, so he accepted what she said and they agreed to not tell me anything about the tumor or about my uterus being black half way up, I just knew I was hurting all the time and bleeding too much during my periods.

Ron and I married and time passed, around three and a half years, and I didn’t use birth control and I didn’t get pregnant. One night God came to Ron in a vision, telling him “Ron I’m going to give you a son, a perfect son by Mary.” In the vision, he seen a pair of glasses, which he put on and then he heard the voice of the Lord that told him that. One night I got fever and I ask Ron to call our minister Rev. B. L. Green and before he even knocked on the door, I felt the Holy Spirit come into my left foot and up to my uterus and give a twist and went out my right shoulder with a very cool feeling, then I heard a knock at the door and Rev. B.L. Green said to me, "Mary you already have your healing, but I will anoint and pray with you." I said o.k. and then he left and I took my temperature and the fever was already gone, I began to feel much better and accepted that I got my healing.

Time passed and around three and a half years later I began getting sick at my stomach and my mother told me to go to a doctor and he would tell me I was eight weeks pregnant, so I made the appointment with Dr. Cameron and when he checked me he told me to go to his office and when I did he told me, "Mary you're eight weeks pregnant." Boy was I ever so surprised and happy, I went and bought me a maternity top and when Ron came in after he had went after his mother, I pranced around showing off my new maturity top, they just looked at me funny and ask me, why are you wearing a maternity top for, and I said, “I went to Dr. Cameron and he told me I am eight weeks pregnant.”

Ron and his mother just looked at me like I was crazy and making this story up, I told them, "it’s true" and, I said "time will tell I’ll began to show soon." After that Ron’s friends would tell him that I would have a child like Shane and that would upset the both of us, mother would say "God promised you a perfect son, nothing will be wrong with this child." But Ron would still worry and when the time came I had Jonathan on Thanksgiving day November 27th, 1969 he was a red haired boy a perfect son, no marks was on him, he weighed six pounds and one ounce and was twenty inches long, had blue eyes which soon turned brown at two months. My brother David and his wife Melba were here for Jonathan’s birth and they were so proud of him also. My Pastor B. L. Green, said Jonathan looked like a red headed Jew when he was born, he was kind of red skinned at first and with that red hair was why he had said that, we all laughed when he said that. I got many gifts for Jonathan, every one wanted to see him to see he was truly all right, when I brought him home my mother was still too ill to hold him; so I laid Jonathan down beside her upon her bed, she look at him and thought he was so pretty.

Jon learned to walk late, he was around sixteen months old, before He walked. But everything else he learn early, he knew his abc’s by the time he was two yrs old and math shortly after, he knew how to multiply before first grade. He was taken to the college when he was still in kindergarten, they didn’t know what to think about him. He was always bored, because he stayed ahead of everyone in math. He always loved books and went through all my encyclopedias looking at how to do all types of math in all different languages. I never realized that Jonathan would be a genius, but his college scores showed us that he is. Jon was never into anything or any types of trouble, he has always been a good child. His brother Justin who was born June 20, 1971 always kept Jon in hot water while they were small, Justin always liked picking at him. Justin is a tease and loves attention. Jon always kept his head in the clouds and was thinking of space, wondering what was out there. He studied the stars and the planets, he loved numbers as a child and still does. Check out his web site.

Six years after Justin's birth I got pregnant with Jeff, he was my last baby, before my hysterectomy at age thirty-eight. Ron and I divorced in 1979, I have never remarried, but Ron did remarry and is still married. Jonathan has been a wonderful son to me and has helped me a lot, including the editing and creating of my website. I love him dearly and he hasn’t married himself, but I hope some day he will find that right girl and have a family of his own and continue to help me as I do need his help still, as my other sons can help out also as far as lifting for me and helping on my home as I need help, I know they will help out also.

In 1992, Justin married Cindy and they had a son name Andre in 1993, then Jeff married Lakesha and they had three children, Leslie, Katelyn and John Wayne. All my sons have received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, which is the spirit of the Lord in our lives and He teaches us daily in His will, so we should all keep the faith that the Lord be with us always, and keep us safe in His will, God bless you and keep you.

Mary J Bowers, 2008

Ron, Me, and Jonathan newly born Family PictureJonathan as childBowers Boys as childrenMe and my boys grown up

Pictures in order are: 1. Me, Ron, and newly born Jonathan. 2. Francis and Grady Pierson holding Justin, Myself and Ron holding Jonathan. 3. Jonathan as child playing with magnetic letters. 4. Jonathan (left), Justin (right), and Jeffrey (middle) as children. 5. Justin, Jeff, Myself, and Jonathan on Thanksgiving 2006
