Mother's Healings

Mother's Cataracts Removed

Mother had went to her eye doctor and he found that she had cataracts in both her eyes, we both prayed daily for her to get a healing, I placed my thumbs within her eyes after she had ask for prayer for them, she didn’t want to have to face surgery again, I also anointed her with oil and I ask God in Jesus name to remove the cataracts.

When Mother went back to her doctor, he asked her “where are your cataracts, there gone”, but he seen the scars they had left, he knew he had seen them her last visit, she said God healed them, the doctor was so surprised and he said only God could have removed them without surgery. He believed and he retired from his business shortly after mom’s healing. Praise God for his power and his healing, through his son Jesus, we ask and we are healed.

Mother Healed From a Stroke

My mom was in a wheel chair for nine months with her leg drawn from a stroke, she was 5 feet 8 inches tall and only weighed 86 lbs at that time, she had to have stomach surgery which left her with only half of her stomach.

Because of stomach ulcers all her life she couldn’t keep anything down, she threw up all the time, she got to where she only ate white rice. She became anemic and had to have blood. She was in ICU three days when the doctors had called the family to her bedside, believing she was at death’s door.

I had a dream and I told it to her, I saw her fat and having to go on a diet and walking without her wheel chair. She laughed and I told her “Mom your going to be healed” and I prayed for her and put my hand on her knee that was drawn, God touched her, and it was no time she was walking and talking and on a diet, she got up to 200 lbs after my prayer in a short amount of time.

My mother lived to be eighty two years old before the Lord took her home to him in 2002.

Mary J Bowers, 2008


Above is a picture of Mother.
