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Hunting Pictures


Dove Pictures










The Lost Year

Some philosophers define pleasure as the absence of pain, others pain as the absence of pleasure.  I define a long year as the absence of nature, the absence of camaraderie, the absence of the dance of birds at twilight.  Such was the year of September 2007 to August 2008.  Through the exigencies of maturity, the K&R did not hit the field but three - yes only three - times in that year.  The Rooster's experience during this year can be read about on his blog.  This is not unforgivable; you do what you have to do.  The question now becomes: Is it possible to balance the responsibilities of modernity and family with a life of adventure in the field?  Or has The Lost Year irrevocably broken The Will to fight for the bubbles of primal freedom that are represented by hunting and fishing?  Is it too hard?  Is it easier to mow the yard, or watch the game, or any other domestic activity?  Do we still want to tramp around a swamp looking for that group of wood ducks?  Is it still worth reconning all day to have a chance at one grouse?  Do we still want it bad enough?  We will see.


A rare site in The Lost Year; the King and Rooster in the field.  Through two trips, we picked up 3 birds in 2007. 



Damn, it felt good to get back out in the field.  After 11 months and a lost year, nothing could prepare us for the feeling of the hot summer sun busting down on us again.  Soon, it was like we had not taken a single day off.  Two doves buzzed us just out of gun range and landed in some grass about 50 yards away.  After some hand signals and pointing, we had a plan.  With a pincer movement we came at them at different directions.  After a few minutes of silent stalking, they jumped.  Two shots rang out, two birds gone down.  It was a signature K&R stalk and shoot, and it was what we had been waiting for.  Rebirth.  We ended up getting out 5 times in 2008 and took home 11 birds.  The birds were light, no doubt, and the set-ups so-so.  But after the previous years all but lost hunting season, every bird was sweet. 


A shot before we take our first hike with guns in 11 months.  Nothing is quite as exciting as that first walk into field each year; even more so after such a long layoff.  


The end of the first day had brought three birds, including a stalk and a double kill that was as about as sweet as it gets.  It turns out we still knew how to shoot.   


Good to see birds on the bumper again!   


A nice shot showing the beautifully cut rows of buckwheat and planted wheat at our favorite dove hunting spot.  This kind of setup will hold doves for most of the first month.


The Rooster with three doves taken from the buckwheat field behind him.  These were taken on flush after they had landed.   


The Rooster with a handful of doves taken 10 days in the season.  By this time, the hunting grounds are empty... of other hunters.  Perfect.   


Couple more doves for the freezer.  Good shot of the old Tacoma, 130,000 miles as of this writing.  Lot of them back and forth to the hunting grounds. 


Kind of a tradition now, to get a shot of a sunset after a long day of dove hunting.  If you look back to the 1998 pics, you will see this same shot.  Ten years. . .awesome.  Can't wait to put the 2018 shot up here.    



First day 2009 w/ a couple doves.  


Hot and Humid 2009.   


Buckwheat fields. 


Good to see birds on the bumper again!   


Last stop before the freezer.


The traditional sunset shot.   

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