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Hunting Pictures


Dove Pictures










The fall of 2001 was a tough time for everyone.  The King had knee problems and the Rooster had brain problems and, come September 11, we all had bigger problems.  However, we managed to get out in the field 3 times and find 12 birds.  We again traveled out of state to open the season in northern Ohio.  It was a good time and a good hunt, but we lost 3 birds that day, and that weighed on us.  We rebounded and hit our favorite spots the following weekend and had some great hunts.  The weather was cooler than usual and although we didn't get out anymore that year, it was a great couple of days.  We would need that memory of peace and tranquility in the days to come.


The King with 6 doves taken by the K&R.  A calm, peaceful evening that bore no portend to the days ahead.   


The Rooster with the 6 doves taken from our honey hole.  As with the year 2000, this field produced the doves when others would not.  


We were hunting in the scenic Canaan Valley when the King whipped up some dove and woodcock hor d'vors to get us ready for tomorrow's hunt.  The dove are on the right.   


In 2002, it finally all came together.  There were a lot of doves, we were healthy in mind and body, and our shooting was sharp.  The result was 7 dove hunts and 40 doves.  We started the season at a picture-perfect private farm that the King had arranged for us to hunt.  The day seemed a rebirth after the tough year before.  We peaked early with the first three hunts producing daily takes of 9, 11, and 12 doves spread over 5 days.  It was an incredible month and a great start to what was an incredible fall and winter of bird hunting. 


The King and Rooster with the 11 doves taken on an all day dove hunt.   We especially like the reflection of the sunset in the back window of the truck in this picture.


Tailgate party.  12 doves killed, 11 taken.  We still lose one now and then, but we make sure it is a rare thing.  


The King drawing a bead on a dove.  We got 12 doves this day, the most we ever bagged in one day.  The King was sick this day as well, but stuck it out and put lead on bird.   


The Rooster ready to go on opening day.  We opened on a private farm.  Wherever there was a recently plowed field, there was a lot of doves.


Another opening day of duck season, and another feast of dove - and trout. 


Dove Season 2003 was a classic workman-like performance.  Doves were not plentiful, but were out there if  the time and work was put in to get them.  We did, and brought home a respectable number of birds.  Between us, we got out 6 times and put 16 doves in the freezer.  More important than numbers, of course, was the joy in being able to get out again and enjoy all that bird hunting offers.  It never fails to deliver.


The King and Rooster letting the camera know how many birds ended up in the game-bag.  We shot a little erratically in 2003, no doubt to our lack of practice during the summer.


The obligatory tailgate shot shows that five more are heading for the freezer. 


The King putting in the hours waiting for some doves.

More Dove Hunting
[2004]  [2005]  [2006]


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