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Hunting Pictures


Grouse Pictures










2000-2001 turned out to be our best grouse hunting year.  We were able to hunt a lot and used our extensive reconning of the year past to hit different areas depending on the weather and the time of year.  As a result, we took 5 grouse from three different areas.  Also playing a role was just simply that we saw more grouse.  We have come to believe that weather and predation can really cause grouse populations to fluctuate from year to year and not just on a longer term cyclical basis. 


The Rooster with a grouse taken at our old favorite abandoned strip mine.  We have taken more grouse - 5 - there than anywhere else. 


The King with a second grouse taken on this October day.  Note Timber looking on longingly at the bird..


A rare shot of the K&R together with Timber examining the fruits of a hard hunt.  This day was one of only two that we have ever taken more than one grouse on a single day. 

Fall 2000

The King with Timber in a shot taken after a hunt we have christened as the "Perfect Point."  Bird hunters understand what that description means.   

Fall 2000

A shot of Timber examining where the grouse flushed from.  It was a good scent day and Timber was dialed in.


The Rooster with the fourth grouse taken in the 2000-2001 season.  Note the perfect twig density in the background.  Good grouse ground has an ineffable feel to it.


The King with grouse and Timber salivating at the bottom of the picture.  This grouse fell as a result of a double shot, both fired instantaneously.

December 2000

Grouse Creole with Dos Equis and Honey Brown! 


We stumbled on a great old strip mine in February 2001 and capitalized with our fifth grouse of the season. 


The grouse is absolutely everything you could want in a game bird. 

February 2001

All those grouse meant lots of feasting - in this case its grouse in dumplings prepared by a first-rate game chef the King


One of the few bright spots in our 2001-2002 hunting spots was our early season grouse and woodcock hunting.  During a strenuous woodcock hunt we found a nice little grouse covet and were able to knock one down on consecutive days.  The grouse we took on the second day would be, as of this writing, the last grouse the K&R have taken.


The King with a grouse taken in deep, deep tangle while woodcock hunting.


The King with our friend Kent showing a grouse taken the next day.  Kent found the grouse after it had fallen in deep brush. 

Fall 2001

Another great culinary dish prepared from grouse.  This was another batch of grouse jambalaya.  Grouse is a versatile meat and lends itself to a lot of different dishes. 

More Grouse Hunting
[2005-2006]  [2006-2007]



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