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Hunting Pictures













Goose Hunting Overview

Geese are abundant in West Virginia all year-round.  Golf courses, industrial ponds, city parks, and even interstate medians seem perennial feed areas for the Canada Goose.  However, where the steel is allowed to fly, geese are less visible, and a lot more twitchy.  So, when we get a goose, we consider it an accomplishment.  There is just so much food available for Canadas, that putting yourself in a position to kill a goose takes a lot of reconning and a lot of patience.  And to be honest, we would rather gear our waterfowl hunting to bringing home ducks, so the number of geese we have bagged through the years has not been high.  Generally, we view geese as a target of opportunity.  When duck hunting, if we see geese, we will go after them and won't hesitate to throw in some BBs and take a shot.  We have killed 4 geese through the years and found 3.  We have just included the years where we have taken geese below.



The King with a picture of the first goose taken by the K&R.  We snuck up on it and nailed it behind a small island.   


The Rooster with a shot of the Goose.  We learned with this goose that 2's and 4's were not sufficient to kill a Canada at any distance.   


 We have on rare occasions, seen Snow Geese or a Lesser Canada, but 99% of all geese in WV are Canadas. 

Winter 2000

A shot of the goose cooked.  Goose is pretty good tablefare, with a beefier taste than some duck species.


As mentioned throughout this site, 2001 was a tough year for the K&R.  And no hunting trip seemed to capture our frustrations more than our last duck hunting trip of the year.  On a bright, clear December day, we were hunting along a favorite river in southern WV when we dropped a big Canada in a shallow current.  In scouting the area, we had determined that we could drop a duck or goose in this area and easily retrieve it.  However, when the goose hit the water, it was swept out into deeper water where it eventually got stuck on some inaccessible shoals.  As there was no way we could get it, we shot it a couple of times to dislodge it.  Waiting downstream in as deep of water as we could get to, and using a 10 foot stick to increase our chance of success the goose floated toward us.  The Canada floated by 11 feet away, and the Rooster nearly drowned trying to reach it.  The loss was devastating and it seemed to cap a relatively disappointing season of hunting that was hindered by our own problems.  So, when we got back to the truck, we snapped this picture to capture our feelings of both the melancholy on the season just passed and the determination to come back in 2002 stronger than ever before.   


The Rooster and King.




The King with a goose taken at dusk on an island in a small lake.  The King shot him while it was trying to land right on top of him.  Notice the hardware - we had our second band of the season. 


An awesome close-up shot of the coveted jewelry.   



The Rooster with a goose taken during the early fall goose season.  During a dove hunt, some geese were seen milling about in a planted field.  A half-hour stalk produced a goose. 

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