Burnham's Celestial Handbook Objects by Constellation
BY GENE A. LUCAS This listing is based on Burnham's Celestial Handbook, Revised and Enlarged Edition, by Robert Burnham, Jr., Dover Publications, NY, 1978, which catalogs in three volumes virtually every celestial object of interest, with much information on the lore of the sky. My pro- found appreciation and thanks to Mr. Burnham for his monumental and exhaustive effort. Any errors found in this compilation are solely my own; listing compiled by Gene A. Lucas, Saguaro Astronomy Club, Deep Sky Group, Phoenix, Arizona, 1989. This listing may be copied freely, but it may not be copied for a fee or sold or distributed for profit. Copyright (C) 1989, Gene A. Lucas; All Rights Reserved. ___________________ OBJECTS LISTED IN BURNHAM'S CELESTIAL HANDBOOK - VOLUME ONE STD D & M VARI. CL,NEB TOTAL NTD START/END TOTAL CONSTELLATION ABR STARS STARS & GLXY OBJCT OBJ PAGES PAGES ====================================================================== Andromeda AND 128 047 012 187 19 0103-0159 057 Antlia ANT 030 011 022 063 00 0160-0162 003 Apus APS 022 012 004 038 00 0163-0164 002 Aquarius AQR 083 035 022 140 14 0165-0196 032 Aquila AQL 123 066 017 206 13 0197-0234 038 Ara ARA 040 021 017 078 06 0235-0244 010 Aries ARI 052 017 007 076 06 0245-0252 008 Auriga AUR 125 050 017 192 16 0253-0296 044 Bootes BOO 071 026 020 117 10 0297-0312 016 Caelum CAE 012 003 001 016 00 0313..... 001 Camelopardalis CAM 106 032 024 162 05 0314-0336 023 Cancer CNC 089 028 009 126 03 0337-0352 016 Canes Venatici CVN 043 018 056 117 06 0353-0380 028 Canis Major CMA 082 034 017 133 11 0381-0446 066 Canis Minor CMI 029 012 000 041 02 0447-0451 005 Capricornus CAP 043 019 002 064 04 0452-0457 006 Carina CAR 107 078 024 209 15 0458-0475 018 Cassiopeia CAS 128 073 037 238 20 0476-0534 059 Centaurus CEN 166 093 061 320 17 0535-0572 038 Cepheus CEP 128 054 024 206 16 0573-0620 048 Cetus CET 101 028 051 180 11 0621-0651 031 _______________ ... _____ ____ _____ ______ ___ ......... _____ VOL 1 SUBTOTALS ... 1,708 757 444 2,909 194 ......... 549 NOTES: Aquarius AQR - Asterism (NGC 6994) counted as 1 Galactic Cluster. OBJECTS LISTED IN BURNHAM'S CELESTIAL HANDBOOK - VOLUME TWO STD D & M VARI. CL,NEB TOTAL NTD START/END TOTAL CONSTELLATION ABR STARS STARS & GLXY OBJCT OBJ PAGES PAGES ====================================================================== Chamaeleon CHA 011 004 001 016 00 0655..... 001 Circinus CIR 017 006 003 026 01 0656-0657 002 Columba COL 033 009 006 048 03 0658-0660 003 Coma Berenices COM 037 005 068 110 11 0661-0692 032 Corona Austrinis CRA 019 016 006 041 03 0693-0696 004 Corona Borealis CRB 023 019 001 043 08 0697-0715 019 Corvus CRV 020 009 014 043 05 0716-0722 007 Crater CRT 018 011 015 044 00 0723-0725 003 Crux CRU 023 020 010 053 05 0726-0734 009 Cygnus CYG 207 145 032 384 26 0735-0816 082 Delphinus DEL 043 027 004 074 05 0817-0832 016 Dorado DOR 014 007 021 042 03 0833-0852 020 Draco DRA 117 049 029 195 12 0853-0874 022 Equuleus EQU 020 004 000 024 02 0875-0877 003 Eridanus ERI 111 043 058 212 09 0878-0894 017 Fornax FOR 024 009 035 068 04 0895-0904 010 Gemini GEM 110 046 014 170 13 0905-0944 040 Grus GRU 032 007 033 072 03 0945-0949 005 Hercules HER 157 091 013 261 12 0950-0996 047 Horologium HOR 016 011 012 039 00 0997-0998 002 Hydra HYA 158 052 068 278 14 0999-1032 034 Hydrus HYI 014 003 003 020 03 1033-1034 002 Indus IND 023 016 025 064 02 1035-1038 004 Lacerta LAC 062 032 004 098 01 1039-1046 008 Leo LEO 101 033 071 205 14 1047-1082 036 Leo Minor LMI 021 005 020 046 00 1083-1086 004 Lepus LEP 046 013 010 069 08 1087-1100 014 Libra LIB 048 033 020 101 06 1101-1110 010 Lupus LUP 054 026 013 093 08 1111-1122 012 Lynx LYN 060 023 015 098 02 1123-1130 008 Lyra LYR 085 039 004 128 08 1131-1178 048 Mensa MEN 012 007 000 019 00 1179..... 001 Microscopium MIC 018 016 005 039 00 1180-1181 002 Monoceros MON 086 063 026 175 08 1182-1214 033 Musca MUS 021 012 008 041 02 1215-1217 003 Norma NOR 027 015 014 056 00 1218-1220 003 Octans OCT 025 011 000 036 01 1221-1222 002 Ophiuchus OPH 114 056 031 201 22 1223-1270 048 Orion ORI 151 064 027 242 18 1271-1345 075 _______________ ... _____ _____ _____ ______ ___ ......... _____ VOL 2 SUBTOTALS ... 2,178 1,057 737 3,974 242 ......... 691 NOTES: Corona Austrinis CRA - No symbols for NGC 6727 and 6729. Corona Borealis CRB - Galaxy cluster (400+) counted as 1 Galaxy. Fornax FOR - Galaxy cluster (18+) counted as 1 Galaxy. Norma NOR - No symbol for NGC 6165. OBJECTS LISTED IN BURNHAM'S CELESTIAL HANDBOOK - VOLUME THREE STD D & M VARI. CL,NEB TOTAL NTD START/END TOTAL CONSTELLATION ABR STARS STARS & GLXY OBJCT OBJ PAGES PAGES ====================================================================== Pavo PAV 036 023 020 079 03 1351-1357 007 Pegasus PEG 146 072 023 241 14 1358-1393 036 Perseus PER 130 067 026 223 14 1394-1452 059 Phoenix PHE 039 019 009 067 01 1453-1457 005 Pictor PIC 022 012 001 035 02 1458-1463 006 Pisces PSC 081 021 018 120 05 1464-1482 019 Pisces Austrinus PSA 023 008 009 040 02 1483-1488 006 Puppis PUP 132 056 033 221 14 1489-1517 029 Pyxis PYX 032 011 006 049 01 1518-1524 007 Reticulum RET 011 003 005 019 00 1525..... 001 Sagitta SGE 017 015 005 037 05 1526-1546 021 Sagittarius SGR 113 116 059 288 30 1547-1644 098 Scorpius SCO 102 065 045 212 31 1645-1729 085 Sculptor SCL 035 012 019 066 03 1730-1740 011 Scutum SCT 013 024 009 046 04 1741-1758 018 Serpens SER 057 027 014 098 09 1759-1793 035 Sextans SEX 020 008 010 038 01 1794-1797 004 Taurus TAU 129 042 012 183 12 1798-1888 091 Telescopium TEL 030 023 017 070 01 1889-1893 005 Triangulum TRI 015 006 008 029 04 1894-1903 010 Triang. Australe TRA 013 014 002 029 03 1904-1906 003 Tucana TUC 035 010 007 052 03 1907-1921 015 Ursa Major UMA 113 042 114 269 29 1922-2005 084 Ursa Minor UMI 020 011 001 032 03 2006-2026 021 Vela VEL 100 066 021 187 08 2027-2041 015 Virgo VIR 109 068 219 396 20 2042-2109 068 Volans VOL 010 005 003 018 00 2110..... 001 Vulpecula VUL 056 030 013 099 01 2111-2121 011 _______________ ... _____ _____ _____ ______ ___ ......... _____ VOL 3 SUBTOTALS ... 1,639 876 728 3,243 223 ......... 771 NOTES: Scorpius SCO - Milky Way field counted as 1 Galactic Cluster. Scutum SCT - 2 Milky Way condensations counted as Galactic Clusters. Virgo VIR - QS0 3C273 counted as 1 Galaxy. OBJECTS LISTED IN BURNHAM'S CELESTIAL HANDBOOK - TOTALS D & M VARI. CL,NEB TOTAL NTD SKY AREA, TOTAL CELESTIAL OBJECTS... STARS STARS & GLXY OBJCT OBJ SQ. DEG. PAGES ====================================================================== VOLUME ONE ......... 1,708 757 444 2,909 194 11,845.0 549 VOLUME TWO ......... 2,178 1,057 739 3,974 242 16.132.9 691 VOLUME THREE ....... 1,639 876 728 3,243 223 13,275.1 771 ____________________ _____ _____ _____ ______ ___ ________ _____ CUMULATIVE TOTALS, THREE VOLUMES .... 5,525 2,690 1,911 10,126 659 41,253.0 2,011* NOTES: * Page total does not include front matter, Introduction, or Indexes. CONSTELLATION = Name of constellation (88 Total) STD ABR = Standard 3-letter IAU constellation abbreviation D & M STARS = Double and multiple stars cataloged VARI. STARS = Variable stars cataloged CL, NEB & GLXY = Star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies cataloged (See following listing for breakdown by categories) TOTAL OBJCT = Total of objects cataloged in each constellation NTD OBJ = Number of objects having text articles START/END PAGES = Beginning and ending page no. for each constellation SKY AREA = Total area of constellations, in square degrees (rounded to nearest tenth.) TOTAL PAGES = Total of pages for each constellation ___________________ DEEP SKY OBJECTS LISTED IN BURNHAM'S CELESTIAL HANDBOOK - VOLUME ONE STD GALAC GLOB DIFF PLAN DARK TOTAL SKY AREA, CONSTELLATION ABR CLSTR CLST NEB NEB NEB GALAXY OBJCT SQ. DEG. ====================================================================== Andromeda AND 002 000 000 001 000 009 012 722.3 Antlia ANT 000 000 000 000 000 022 022 238.9 Apus APS 000 002 000 000 000 002 004 206.3 Aquarius AQR 001 003 000 002 000 016 022 979.9 Aquila AQL 003 001 000 010 002 001 017 652.5 Ara ARA 008 003 001 002 000 003 017 237.1 Aries ARI 000 000 000 000 000 007 007 441.4 Auriga AUR 012 000 004 001 000 000 017 657.4 Bootes BOO 000 001 000 000 000 019 020 906.8 Caelum CAE 000 000 000 000 000 001 001 124.9 Camelopardalis CAM 001 000 000 002 000 021 024 756.8 Cancer CNC 002 000 000 000 000 007 009 505.9 Canes Venatici CVN 000 001 000 000 000 055 056 465.2 Canis Major CMA 008 000 002 001 000 006 017 380.1 Canis Minor CMI 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 183.4 Capricornus CAP 000 001 000 000 000 001 002 413.9 Carina CAR 010 001 005 006 000 002 024 494.2 Cassiopeia CAS 026 000 006 002 000 003 037 598.4 Centaurus CEN 013 002 005 002 000 039 061 1,060.4 Cepheus CEP 010 000 006 004 000 004 024 587.8 Cetus CET 000 000 000 001 000 050 051 1,231.4 _______________ ... ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ VOL 1 SUBTOTALS ... 096 015 029 034 002 268 444 11,845.0 NOTES: AquariusAQR - Asterism (NGC 6994) counted as 1 Galactic Cluster. DEEP SKY OBJECTS LISTED IN BURNHAM'S CELESTIAL HANDBOOK - VOLUME TWO STD GALAC GLOB DIFF PLAN DARK TOTAL SKY AREA, CONSTELLATION ABR CLSTR CLST NEB NEB NEB GALAXY OBJCT SQ. DEG. ====================================================================== Chamaeleon CHA 000 000 000 001 000 000 001 131.6 Circinus CIR 002 000 000 001 000 000 003 93.4 Columba COL 000 001 000 000 000 005 006 270.2 Coma Berenices COM 000 003 000 000 000 065 068 386.5 Corona Austrinis CRA 000 002 003 001 000 000 006 127.7 Corona Borealis CRB 000 000 000 000 000 001 001 178.7 Corvus CRV 000 000 000 001 000 013 014 183.8 Crater CRT 000 000 000 000 000 015 015 282.4 Crux CRU 010 000 000 000 000 000 010 68.4 Cygnus CYG 013 000 008 011 000 000 032 804.0 Delphinus DEL 000 002 000 002 000 000 004 188.5 Dorado DOR 001 000 002 002 000 016 021 179.2 Draco DRA 000 000 000 001 000 028 029 1083.0 Equuleus EQU 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 71.6 Eridanus ERI 000 000 001 001 000 056 058 1137.9 Fornax FOR 000 001 000 001 000 033 035 397.5 Gemini GEM 008 000 002 003 000 001 014 513.8 Grus GRU 000 000 000 000 000 033 033 365.5 Hercules HER 000 003 000 003 000 007 013 1225.1 Horologium HOR 000 001 000 000 000 011 012 248.9 Hydra HYA 001 002 000 002 000 063 068 1302.8 Hydrus HYI 000 001 001 000 000 001 003 243.0 Indus IND 000 000 000 000 000 025 025 294.0 Lacerta LAC 003 000 000 001 000 000 004 200.7 Leo LEO 000 000 000 000 000 071 071 947.0 Leo Minor LMI 000 000 000 000 000 020 020 232.0 Lepus LEP 001 001 000 001 000 007 010 290.3 Libra LIB 000 001 000 001 000 018 020 538.1 Lupus LUP 003 003 000 004 000 003 013 333.7 Lynx LYN 000 001 000 001 000 013 015 545.4 Lyra LYR 001 001 000 001 000 001 004 286.5 Mensa MEN 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 153.5 Microscopium MIC 000 000 000 000 000 005 005 209.5 Monoceros MON 017 000 009 000 000 000 026 481.6 Musca MUS 004 002 001 001 000 000 008 138.4 Norma NOR 009 001 002 002 000 000 014 165.3 Octans OCT 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 291.0 Ophiuchus OPH 004 020 001 004 001 001 031 948.3 Orion ORI 005 000 019 002 001 000 027 594.1 _______________ ... ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ VOL 2 SUBTOTALS ... 082 046 049 048 002 512 739 16,132.9 NOTES: Corona Austrinis CRA - No symbols for NGC 6727 and 6729. Corona Borealis CRB - Galaxy cluster (400+) counted as 1 Galaxy. Fornax FOR - Galaxy cluster (18+) counted as 1 Galaxy. Norma NOR - No symbol for NGC 6165. DEEP SKY OBJECTS LISTED IN BURNHAM'S CELESTIAL HANDBOOK - VOLUME THREE STD GALAC GLOB DIFF PLAN DARK TOTAL SKY AREA, CONSTELLATION ABR CLSTR CLST NEB NEB NEB GALAXY OBJCT SQ. DEG. ====================================================================== Pavo PAV 000 001 000 002 000 017 020 377.7 Pegasus PEG 001 001 000 000 000 021 023 1120.8 Perseus PER 010 000 006 003 000 007 026 615.0 Phoenix PHE 000 000 000 000 000 009 009 469.3 Pictor PIC 000 000 000 000 000 001 001 246.7 Pisces PSC 000 000 000 000 000 018 018 889.4 Pisces Austrinus PSA 000 000 000 000 000 009 009 245.4 Puppis PUP 025 001 001 003 000 003 033 673.4 Pyxis PYX 004 000 000 000 000 002 006 220.8 Reticulum RET 000 000 000 000 000 005 005 113.9 Sagitta SGE 001 001 000 003 000 000 005 79.9 Sagittarius SGR 014 019 005 013 002 006 059 867.4 Scorpius SCO 025 010 005 005 000 000 045 496.8 Sculptor SCL 000 001 000 000 000 018 019 474.8 Scutum SCT 007 001 000 001 000 000 009 109.1 Serpens SER 002 003 001 000 000 008 014 636.9 Sextans SEX 000 000 000 000 000 010 010 313.5 Taurus TAU 005 000 006 001 000 000 012 797.2 Telescopium TEL 000 001 000 001 000 015 017 251.5 Triangulum TRI 000 000 000 000 000 008 008 131.8 Triang. Australe TRA 001 000 000 001 000 000 002 110.0 Tucana TUC 000 002 000 000 000 005 007 294.6 Ursa Major UMA 000 000 000 001 000 113 114 1279.7 Ursa Minor UMI 000 000 000 000 000 001 001 255.9 Vela VEL 013 001 001 003 000 003 021 499.6 Virgo VIR 000 000 000 001 000 218 219 1294.4 Volans VOL 000 000 000 000 000 003 003 141.4 Vulpecula VUL 009 000 002 002 000 000 013 268.2 _______________... ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ VOL 3 SUBTOTALS ... 117 42 27 40 2 500 728 13,275.1 NOTES: Scorpius SCO - Milky Way field counted as 1 Galactic Cluster. Scutum SCT - 2 Milky Way condensations counted as Galactic Clusters. VirgoVIR - QS0 3C273 counted as 1 Galaxy. DEEP SKY OBJECTS LISTED IN BURNHAM'S CELESTIAL HANDBOOK - TOTALS GALAC GLOB DIFF PLAN DARKTOTAL SKY AREA, DEEP SKY OBJECTS....CLSTR CLST NEB NEB NEB GALAXY OBJCT SQ. DEG. ====================================================================== VOLUME ONE ......... 096 015 029 034 002 268 444 11,845.0 VOLUME TWO ......... 082 046 049 048 002 512 739 16,132.9 VOLUME THREE ....... 117 042 027 040 002 500 728 13,275.1 ____________________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _____ _____ ________ CUMULATIVE TOTALS, THREE VOLUMES .... 295 103 105 122 006 1,280 1,911 41,253.0 NOTES: CONSTELLATION = Name of constellation. STD ABR = Standard IAU three-letter constellation name abbreviation. GALAC CLSTR = Galactic clusters cataloged. GLOB CLSTR = Globular clusters cataloged. DIFF NEB = Diffuse nebulae cataloged. PLAN NEB = Planetary nebulae cataloged (includes some super- novae remnants.) DARK NEB = Dark nebulae cataloged (mostly Barnard objects.) GALAXY = Galaxies cataloged. TOTAL OBJCT = Total number of objects cataloged (for each con- stellation.) SKY AREA = Sky area in square degrees for each constellation (Rounded to nearest tenth.) ___________________ REFERENCES: General Listings Compiled From: BURNHAM'S CELESTIAL HANDBOOK, Three Volumes, Revised and Enlarged Edition, Robert Burnham, Jr.; Dover Publications, NYC, 1978 (ISBNs: Vol. 1, 0-486-23567-X; Vol. 2, 0-486-23568-8; Vol. 3, 0-486-23673-8). Constellation Sky Areas: "Rambling Thru June Skies," George Lovi, Sky and Telescope Magazine, June, 1976, pg. 408; (Adapted from 1972 BAA Handbook.)