Site Menu
Yes, it's out of date
I need to refresh the site, but there aren't enough hours in the day. Other than the links, perhaps, most of the stuff is as current as it every was (2014/01)
So there. :-)
Contact Me
I've tried to simplify and clean-up both the look and content of my site. I've also tried to (within my meager abilities) make it at least a little more modern in terms of standards-compliance. I'd like your feedback on that or anything else (email me).
Unless otherwise attributed, contents and layout are Copyright © 2009 Len Philpot, All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimer / Plea
This site was designed at 1024x768, but should be OK at other resolutions. It was previewed in Mozilla Firefox 2.x, as well as Internet Explorer 6/7 and Opera 9.x. To view it as designed, either Firefox, Opera or another standards-compliant browser (such as Konqueror or Safari) is recommended.
Please. :-)
Safari is bundled with OS X (Mac), Konqueror is a part of KDE (*nix), Firefox & Opera are both excellent and freely available on a variety of platforms - There's no reason not to use a modern browser anymore, and they're all better than any version of Internet Explorer (see for yourself). If you're looking for a fast, promising Windows-only browser, check out K-Meleon, which is powered by the same Gecko engine in Firefox and SeaMonkey (Mozilla). Make the change - You'll be glad you did!