Star Parties
Joe Walsh once sang, "Sleep all day, out all night - I know where you're goin'". He must have been an astronomer, or was at least onto something - "Sleep all day, out all night" is indeed the goal of every star party attendee, I think. Sometimes it even turns out that way!
I'm not the star party voyager that some are, but then again, I'm not retired yet! For some reason I find the prospect of several nights observing (from usually a prime location, no less), several days relaxing and being surrounded by like-minded individuals extremely appealing. Even when (heaven forbid) the weather is less than cooperative, star parties are still fun. To adapt an old saying about fishing, "The worst day at a star party is better than the best day at work".
Schedules, responsibilities and whatnot allowing, I usually try to attend most or all of the following four star parties each year. They're all within a day's or two (or less) drive from my home here in central Louisiana. These are my commentaries on these events, including a few photos I've snapped at each of them. You won't find comprehensive reviews here - Just some thoughts. It should go without saying, but nothing stated here is "official" fact - It's just my opinion, recollection and views. I could be wrong on some of my estimates, etc. For official info, please consult the appropriate website.
To make the pages load reasonably quickly, I've put all images on a separately page linked to from each star party report page. Hopefully after the next round of attendance, I'll have some more images to add.