Orion 600 list of double and colored stars
Name RA DEC Sep Mag Cst Description Eta Cas 00 49.1 +57 49 12" 3.4,7.5 Cas striking color and mag contrast 65 Psc 00 49.9 +27 43 4" 6.3,6.3 Psc evenly matched pair Psi-1 Psc 01 05.6 +21 28 30" 5.6,5.8 Psc wide but similar magnitudes Zeta Psc 01 13.7 +07 35 23" 5.6,6.5 Psc easily split bright pair 1 Ari 01 50.1 +22 17 3" 6.2,7.4 Ari gold/blue pair Gamma Ari 01 53.5 +19 18 8" 4.8,4.8 Ari perfectly matched pair Lambda Ari 01 57.9 +23 36 37" 4.9,7.7 Ari striking color contrast Alpha Psc 02 02.0 +02 46 2" 4.2,5.1 Psc close pair, use high power Gamma And 02 03.9 +42 20 10" 2.3,5.5 And bright yellow/blue pair Iota Tri 02 12.4 +30 18 4" 5.3,6.9 Tri striking color contrast Iota Cas 02 29.1 +67 24 2.5",7" 4.6,6.9,8.4 Cas challenging triple with color contrast Alpha UMi 02 31.8 +89 16 18" 2.0,9.0 UMi Polaris-much fainter companion Gamma Cet 02 43.3 +03 14 3" 3.5,7.3 Cet use high power to resolve faint companion Theta Eri 02 58.3 -40 18 8" 3.4,4.5 Eri bright, striking pair 32 Eri 03 54.3 -02 57 7" 4.8,6.1 Eri easy pair with good colors 1 Cam 04 32.0 +53 55 10" 5.7,6.8 Cam pleasing color contrast 55 Eri 04 43.6 -08 48 9" 6.7,6.8 Eri perfectly matched double R Lep 04 59.6 -14 48 Stellar 5.5-11.7 Lep Hind's Crimson Star-deep red variable, Per = 432 days Beta Ori 05 14.5 -08 12 9" 0.1,6.8 Ori Rigel, very large magnitude contrast 118 Tau 05 29.3 +25 09 5" 5.8,6.6 Tau well-matched double star Lambda Ori 05 35.1 +09 56 4" 3.6,5.5 Ori large magnitude contrast Theta-1 Ori 05 35.3 -05 23 9",13",22" 6.7,7.9,5.1,6.7 Ori Trapezium-quadruple star at heart of M42 Sigma Ori 05 38.7 -02 36 11",12,43" 4.0,10,7.5,6.5 Ori pretty quadruple star Zeta Ori 05 40.8 -01 57 2.4" 1.9,4.0 Ori fainter companion lost in glare, use high power Theta Aur 05 59.7 +37 13 3.5" 2.6,7.1 Aur large magnitude contrast Epsilon Mon 06 23.8 +04 36 13" 4.5,6.5 Mon good color contrast Beta Mon 06 28.8 -07 02 7",10" 4.7,5.2,6.1 Mon unusual similar magnitude triple star 12 Lyn 06 46.2 +59 27 2",9" 5.4,6.0,7.3 Lyn use high power on close pair h3945 07 16.6 -23 19 27" 4.8,6.8 CMa striking color contrast, 1.7° N of NGC 2362 Delta Gem 07 20.1 +21 59 6" 3.5,8.2 Gem very unequal magnitude pair 19 Lyn 07 22.9 +55 17 15" 5.6,6.5 Lyn easy fairly bright pair Castor 07 34.6 +31 53 2" 1.9,2.9 Gem very bright, but tight pair Kappa Pup 07 38.8 -26 48 10" 4.5,4.7 Pup equal magnitude pair Zeta Cnc 08 12.2 +17 39 0.6",6" 5.6,6.0,6.2 Cnc use highest power for close pair Iota Cnc 08 46.7 +28 46 30" 4.2,6.6 Cnc wide pair with a good color contrast Gamma Leo 10 20.0 +19 51 4" 2.2,3.5 Leo bright, striking pair N Hyd 11 32.3 -29 16 9" 5.8,5.9 Hyd equal magnitude pair Delta Crv 12 29.9 -16 31 24" 3.0,9.2 Crv wide, uneven pair with nice colors 24 Com 12 35.1 +18 23 20" 5.2,6.7 CVn easy pair with color contrast, near M85 Gamma Vir 12 41.7 -01 27 3" 3.5,3.5 Vir Porrima, beautiful equal magnitude pair Y CVn 12 45.1 +45 26 Stellar 7.4-10.0 CVn La Superba, deep red variable, Per = 157 days 32 Cam 12 49.2 +83 25 22" 5.3,5.8 Cam easily resolved similar pair Alpha CVn 12 56.0 +38 19 19" 2.9,5.5 CVn bright, easy pair Zeta UMa 13 23.9 +54 56 14" 2.3,4.0 Uma Mizar in handle of Big Dipper, also Alcor nearby Kappa Boo 14 13.5 +51 47 13" 4.6,6.6 Boo striking color contrast Pi Boo 14 40.7 +16 25 6" 4.9,5.8 Boo pleasing double star Epsilon Boo 14 45.0 +27 04 3" 2.5,4.9 Boo Izar-yellow/blue pair at high power Xi Boo 14 51.4 +19 06 7" 4.7,7.0 Boo yellow/violet pair Mu Boo 15 24.5 +37 23 108",2" 4.3,7.0,7.6 Boo triple star, close fainter pair Delta Ser 15 34.8 +10 32 4" 4.2,5.2 Ser bright pair in Serpens Caput Zeta CrB 15 39.4 +36 38 6" 5.1,6.0 CrB similar nicely spaced pair Xi Sco 16 04.4 -11 22 7" 4.5,7.3 Sco double star, also extremely close primary Kappa Her 16 08.1 +17 03 28" 5.3,6.5 Her wide pair with an excellent color contrast Nu Sco 16 12.0 -19 28 40",1",1" 4.3,6.8,6.4,7.8 Sco very difficult quadruple star 16/17 Dra 16 36.2 +52 55 3",90" 5.4,6.4,5.5 Dra triple star with a close pair Mu Dra 17 05.3 +54 28 2" 5.7,5.7 Dra very close with identical magnitudes Alpha Her 17 14.6 +14 23 5 3.5,5.4 Her excellent color contrast 36 Oph 17 15.3 -26 36 5" 5.1,5.1 Oph identical matched pair 39 Oph 17 18.0 -24 17 10" 5.4,6.9 Oph striking color contrast Rho Her 17 23.7 +37 09 4" 4.6,5.6 Her bright and fairly close pair Nu Dra 17 32.2 +55 11 62" 4.9,4.9 Dra very wide similar pair 40/41 Dra 18 00.2 +80 00 19" 5.7,6.1 Dra easily resolved pair 95 Her 18 01.5 +21 36 6" 5.0,5.1 Her perfectly matched duo 70 Oph 18 05.5 +02 30 3" 4.2,6.0 Oph close challenging pair Epsilon Lyr 18 44.3 +39 40 8",2.6",2.3" 5.0,6.1,5.2,5.5 Lyr Double-Double, two well-matched pairs Zeta Lyr 18 44.8 +37 36 44" 4.3,5.9 Lyr wide double star STF2404 18 50.8 +10 59 4" 6.9,8.1 Aql located 40' N of open cluster NGC 6709 STT525 18 54.9 +33 58 45" 6.0,7.7 Lyr wide with good colors Theta Ser 18 56.2 +04 12 22" 4.5,5.4 Ser bright, wide pair in Serpens Cauda V Aql 19 04.4 -05 41 Stellar 6.6-8.4 Aql unusually deep red color, Per = 353 days Beta Cyg 19 30.7 +27 58 34" 3.1,5.1 Cyg Albireo-striking blue/gold pair! 57 Aql 19 54.6 -08 14 36" 5.8,6.5 Aql wide well-matched duo Gamma Del 20 46.7 +16 07 10" 4.5,5.5 Del bright, well-matched pair 61 Cyg 21 06.9 +38 45 29" 5.2,6.0 Cyg well separated double star S Cep 21 35.2 +78 37 Stellar 7.4-12.9 Cep deep red variable, Carbon star, Per = 487 days STF2816 21 39.0 +57 29 12",20" 5.6,7.7,7.8 Cep triple star at center of faint nebula IC 1396 Mu Cep 21 43.5 +58 47 Stellar 3.4-5.1 Cep Herschel's Garnet Star-deep red variable, Per = 730 days Xi Cep 22 03.8 +64 38 8" 4.4,6.5 Cep bright double star Zeta Aqr 22 28.8 -00 01 2" 4.3,4.5 Aqr close evenly matched pair Delta Cep 22 29.2 +58 25 41" 3.9,6.3 Cep famous cepheid variable and wide double star 8 Lac 22 35.9 +39 38 22" 5.7,6.5 Lac easy in all scopes 94 Aqr 23 19.1 -13 28 13" 5.3,7.3 Aqr good color contrast TX Psc 23 46.4 +03 29 Stellar 5.0-5.5 Psc deep red variable of Carbon class, irregular period Sigma Cas 23 59.0 +55 45 3" 5.0,7.1 Cas close with good color contrast