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Loleta Community Services District (LCSD) PO Box 236 Loleta CA 733-1717

Office hours are from 9AM to 1PM Mon thru Fri.

LCSD Meetings are held 7PM the 3rd Thursday each month at the Fire Dept. Meeting Room.


Board of Directors

Gerhard Drumm - President
David Goodrich - Vice President
Jim Carr - Director


Markus Drumm - General Manager
Ann Booker - Administrative Assistant
Tammy Forsell - Meter Reader
David Rodrigues - Water Operator
Michaela Miller - Water Operator
Hank Brendard - Wastewater Operator
Chas Bush - Wastewater Operator


Loleta Water Tips

Yes we have a bit of a Hard Water problem. It has been worse, but even now, there are some things we do or can do to deal with this issue that won't go away anytime soon.
Water quality is a common issue among small towns. As with anything else, we can learn to get by from tips shared with each other. If you have anything to add, send a note and it will be posted.

Every once in a while, bleach will react with the water and turn it-along with your whites-dingy brown. Test the bleach in a sink full of water first to make sure it doesn't turn the water brown before you use it in the laundry. Iron-Out - sold at hardware stores and Walmart can be used in place of bleach if there is a browning reaction. It behaves like bleach so use caution.
If your laundry detergeant isn't disolving in the laundry, try adding about a 1/4 cup of salt to the wash to soften the water.
If your laundry in the washer seems to sour very quickly - if left even for a few hours before drying - it may be the type of detergeant. Cheaper detergeants seem to sour faster. Leave the washer lid open between washings to prevent more souring.
If your dishes develop mineral deposits, use white vinegar in the rinse water to disolve the spots. It can also be used on shower doors.
For the Dishwasher, vinegar and a little salt if the detergeant isn't desolving can be used, or a product called "Lemi-Shine" works great and can be found at Walmart and maybe other stores (if you know send a note).
Hard water and bar soap is a lethal combo for quick and dirty showers, sinks and tubs. If you can adjust, switch to liquid body soaps which are better for skin too. Using daily shower sprays and/or squeegees also really extend the clean shower and tubs. Be careful though, you may become spoiled by not having to clean the shower and tub regularly.
When the water goes through a brown spell, toilets, sinks and tubs get scrungy fast. A daily wipedown, swish or scrub without any cleaner can get you through. For Hard Mineral Deposit lines in the toilets, a pumice stone can rub them off (can be found at hardware stores or Safeway). Use only on porcelain.
The dollar Store is a great place to shop for cleaners, scrub brushes and shower curtains. "The Works" toilet detergent is great for hard water stains in toilets!
Car Wash
To avoid hard water spots, wash in late afternoon or in overcast conditions and dry off right away. If you wash often - (not me) - you don't even need to use car wash soap every time ( a tip from an auto body man).