(Now Honeywell's)
The AL5512
Commercial Variant of the T55 L-712

The Lycoming T55 and other engines of the Third
The 4435
horsepower Avco
Lycoming AL5512 is a commercial variant of the T55-L712 Boeing
Chinook CH-47D helicopter engine. This powerful engine
only weighs 830 lbs. It powers Columbia
234 heavy lift helicopters capable of 28,000 lb
lifts. Columbia bought the
entire world fleet of 234's, a total of 10
helicopters. They were my main customer as a tech rep for this
engine model. This masterpiece of
engineering from 1955 was the brainchild of
Germany's Third Reich turbine engine scientist Dr. Anselm Franz.
Dr. Franz developed
the famed Junkers
turbojet engine for the Messersmitt ME262 jet of WWII. He created
the Gas Turbine Division
of Lycoming where I worked for 9 years. He
retired in 1968 as a vice president of Avco Lycoming and
consulted for them up to about the time I started
for them. Dr. Franz developed the AGT1500
gas turbine tank engine for the M1 Abrams Tank, our main battle tank
today. He was considered the "Werner Von Braun" of
the gas turbine engine. In the 1930's Dr Franz
developed hydraulic torque converter technology and much
of the turbocharger technology used in this day and

Above is the The Luftwaffe's Messersmitt ME 262 powered by two Junkers Jumo 004
turbojets designed by Dr. Anselm Franz
during World War II in Germany. Below is a
cutaway of the Jumo 004 turbojet gas turbine. The ME 262 was the
world's first
operational turbojet powered combat fighter.
When I went to work
for Lycoming in 1983, I didn't know about the heritage of the Lycoming
gas turbine engine product line. Customer relation difficulties caused
by horrific teething problems of the LT101 gas turbine engine were in
need of fixing up. The 101 was a different animal from the other
rock steady Lycoming gas turbines. Things are greatly improved
now with the LT101 as of 2011, but then it was a different story.
No support structure was in place for the troubled engine. That
engine powered the U.S. Coast Guard Dolphin which was just beginning
preparations to go into active service. Already in service were
the Bell 222, Messersmitt Boelkow BK117 and the Aerospatiale (now
Eurocopter) AS350D. Over the years some improvements were
made. We got more reps, put in some hard work, took a few knock
downs and a few corporate aquisitions.
The engine got help with some good corporate and engineering level
decision making many years after I left Lycoming. It now has
become an engine with good economy of operation numbers.
The T55, T53 and AL5512 were different stories. They were the
"Rocks of Gibralters" of the product line.
I was factory trained on the T55, AL5512 and T53 gas turbines and
worked with their customers. These were mature engines and the
issues usually involved help in making expensive decisions and
additional opinions during inspections. Faith in the engines was
strong although some confidence was shaken with operators of the T5508D
in the Bell 214. Logging operators took a toll on cycle life and
hour limitations on the gas producer and power turbine components.
A little while back I was browsing through online PDF documents of
Lycoming documentation. I found a Lycoming
1963 that had about 3 people listed as tech reps who I worked with
after they became service engineers. In the eighties those guys
and others were parts of the history of gas turbine technology. I
remember them telling me they were working for Lycoming in the
fifties. They got to cut their teeth on the great creations of
Dr. Franz during the growth years of the engines. Later Dr Franz
and his engineers came up with the M1 Abrams tank engine, the AGT 1500
triple spool gas turbine. I'm priviledged to have served with
these people.
Robert Reed
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