Dear Friends:
It is a pleasure to welcome you to my web site. I have put a lot of care into creating a site that presents both myself and my professional work as I really am, and still has room for a little fun.
Of course, there are some items that are not appropriate for public distribution. Should anyone wish to consider using my services as a speaker for professional meetings related to my areas of expertise, I will be happy to provide appropriate reference letters, reference phone numbers, additional publications, and a variety of original training products I authored or project-managed. Due to space limitations, these portfolio items can only be sampled on this site.
I continue to be as excited about the nexus of teaching and technology as I was when I first pressed those 2K memory chips into my Apple IIe motherboard decades ago. Today, I have a sense of what physicians must have felt when antibiotics first came in and they could put aside their ineffective sulpha drugs. Now, perhaps for the first time, in this age of infinite bandwidth and mobile applications, we REALLY have the tools!
All the best,