If you are interested in becoming a professional wrestler, manager, referee, or valet, then NWA Bluegrass will soon be able to afford you the opportunity of living out your dream. NWA Bluegrass is offering training to become a professional wrestler, manager, referee or valet, so if your dream is to be part of professional wrestling, then NWA Bluegrass is the best place to go. For more information on the official NWA Bluegrass Wrestling School email us at nwabluegrass@yahoo.com

Note: For anyone that has requested information about the wrestling school recently, please use the new link above to contact us again. There was a slight problem with our mail server recently, and apologize for any inconvience that it may have caused. We will try our best to answer all questions that you may have concerning training with NWA Bluegrass. Thank You - Webmaster

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