
The ActorSpout entity is similar to the Spout entity, except that it uses the Actor Spray effect rather than the Spray effect.

Field Descriptions

The fields for the ActorSpout entity are:

Field Description
AllMaterial if true apply environment mapping to all material
Alpha The initial alpha value of the actor.
AlphaRate The amount per second to decrease the actor alpha.
AmbientColor The ambient color of the actor lighting.
AmbientLightFromFloor Calculate ambient lighting from floor color instead of using AmbientColor
BaseName base name of sequence of actors to use as particles
BaseRotation initial rotation of actors
FillColor fill color of actor lighting
Gravity true or false to signify if actors are subject to gravity
MaxRotationSpeed maximum rotation speed of actors
MinRotationSpeed minimum rotation speed of actors
NumActors number of actors in sequence
Style style of using actors
MaxSpeed the rest of these are the same as the Spout entity
Solid if true then actor particles are solid and can be interacted with
EnvironmentMapping if true use environment mapping on actor material
PercentMapping percentage of mapping to apply to material (0 to 100)
PercentMaterial percentage of material to use while mapping (0 to 100)

The sequence of actors used is similar to the bitmaps in the FlipBook. If you have 3 actors in the sequence then they must be named name0.act, name1.act and name2.act. The BaseName used would be name.

The Style can be 0, 1 or 2. A style of 0 uses the actors in increasing order (starting at 0 and going up) and wraps around to 0 at the end. A style of 1 starts in increasing order and switches to decreasing at the end, then increasing again at the beginning. A style of 2 uses them in random order.

The BaseRotation is the initial rotation assigned to all the actors when they are created in the spray. It is in degrees.

If MinRotationSpeed and MaxRotationSpeed are not zero in all axis then a speed will be randomly chosen for each axis in this range. The actor will rotate at that speed during its life. The speed is in degrees per second.

If EnvironmentMapping is set to true and AllMaterial is false then only those actor materials whose name starts with env_ will have environment mapping applied to them.