Graphical User Interface

Table of Contents

Reality Factory uses CEGUI (0.6.2) for managing its Graphical User Interface. Resources and configuration data requird by CEGUI are defined in various XML files, which are - by default - located in the gui subfolder. These include

Certain game elements, namely the Inventory, Conversations and Messages, and the associated parts of the GUI require very game-specific behaviour. To provide maximum flexibility in this area, Reality Factory offers a scriptable interface to these components and to a substantial part of the CEGUI API. See the corresponding documentation of the respective components for further information.

Configuration XML File

The cegui.config file allows you to specify the logging level for the CEGUI component, the default scheme and the default font to use for your GUI.

The LoggingLevel can be set to one of the following:

Font XML Files

Font files can define one of two types of font: a static bitmapped font based on an Imageset that contains the predrawn bitmap representations of the character glyphs the font will render, or a dynamically created font based upon standard font files (such as .ttf files). FontStudio can be used to create a bitmapped font.

<Font> Element

<Font> is the root element in XML font definition files, it has some attributes and optional 'Mapping' elements. Mapping elements are only of importance for static / pixmap fonts, any Mapping elements defined for a dynamic font should be ignored.

Name the name that will be used to identify the Font within the system. (required).
Filename filename for the font. For Static fonts this is an Imageset. For Dynamic fonts this is a .ttf file. (required).
ResourceGroup The resource group identifier to pass to the resource provider when loading the file.
Type Specifies the type of font. Valid options are 'FreeType' or 'Pixmap' (required).
Size Specifies the point size for a dynamic font, ignored for Static fonts. (optional, default=12).
NativeHorzRes The horizontal screen resolution that the images were are intended to be displayed at (optional, default=640).
NativeVertRes The vertical screen resolution that the images were are intended to be displayed at (optional, default=480).
AutoScaled Boolean, states whether to scale imagery so it appears the same size at any resolution (optional, default=false).
AntiAlias Boolean, states whether the font should be anti-aliased, applies to dynamic fonts only. (optional, default=true).

<Mapping> Element

Used for static fonts only, defines a mapping between a UTF32 codepoint value and an Image defined on the associated Imageset. A Mapping must be supplied for each codepoint that the font is to have available for rendering. A Mapping may only appear as a sub-element of the <Font> element and has no sub-elements.

Codepoint Unicode codepoint which should be mapped. (required).
Image Name of the image to map. This image shold be defined for the Imageset specified in Filename for the Font.
HorzAdvance Number of pixels to advance the 'pen' position after rendering. -1 indicates the values should be auto-calculated. (optional, default=-1).

Imageset XML Files

An Imageset is a collection of named regions upon an image file (texture). In CEGUI terminology, each of these named regions is an Image and is the basic level of imagery used by CEGUI.

The technical reason for using imagesets instead of separate image files is to reduce the number of textures switches when rendering the GUI thus improving performance.

<Imageset> Element

The <Imageset> element is the root element in XML imageset definition files. It may contain any number of <Image> elements.

Imagefile path to the image file containing the graphics (required).
ResourceGroup The resource group identifier to pass to the resource provider when loading the file.
Name the name that will be assigned to the Imageset in the GUI system (required).
NativeHorzRes The horizontal screen resolution that the images were are intended to be displayed at (optional, default=640).
NativeVertRes The vertical screen resolution that the images were are intended to be displayed at (optional, default=480).
AutoScaled Boolean, states whether to scale imagery so it appears the same size as any resolution (optional, default=false).

<Image> Element

Defines a single component image of an imageset.

Name The name that will be used to identify the image within the Imageset. (required).
XPos X pixel co-ordinate of the top-left corner of the image on the texture. (required).
YPos Y pixel co-ordinate of the top-left corner of the image on the texture. (required).
Width Width of this image in pixels. (required).
Height Height of this image in pixels. (required).
XOffset Horizontal offset to apply when rendering. (optional, default=0)
YOffset Vertical offset to apply when rendering. (optional, default=0)

Layout XML Files

A layout XML file defines a hierachy of window based objects to be created, with property and event binding information for each window.

Layout Element List:

<AutoWindow> Element
<Event> Element
<GUILayout> Element
<LayoutImport> Element
<Property> Element
<Window> Element

<GUILayout> Element

<GUILayout> is the root element in layout XML files.

Parent Specifies the name of an existing window that root window of this gui layout should be attached to after loading the layout. Optional attribute, if this is not specified the root window is not automatically attached to any existing window.

<Window> Element

The <Window> element is used to specify a new window object to be created.

Type Specifies the type of window to be created. This may refer to a concrete window type, an alias, or a falagard mapped type. Required attribute.
Name Specifies the name to give the window. Window names must be unique within the system. Optional attribute, if the attribute is not specified a name will be generated automatically.

<Property> Element

The <Property> element is used to set properties on the Window created by the containing <Window> element.

Name Specifies the name of the property to set. Required attribute.
Value Specifies the value to set on the property. Optional attribute, if the attribute is not specified the value to be set should be given via the element text content.

<Event> Element

The <Event> element is used to create bindings between GUI elements and script functions.

Name Specifies the name of the event to which the handler function specified by the Function attribute will be subscribed. Required attribute.
Function Specifies the name of a script function to be subscribed to the event specified by the Name attribute. Required attribute.

<LayoutImport> Element

The <LayoutImport> element is used to reference (import) a layout file into another. The root window of the imported layout is attached to the Window where the import occurrs.

Filename Specifies the path to the xml layout file to be imported. Required attribute.
Prefix Specifies a prefix that will be prepended to the window name of each window created from the imported layout. Optional attribute.
ResourceGroup Specifies the resource group identifier to pass to the ResourceProvider when loading the file given in the Filename attribute. Optional attribute, default is the WindowManager default group.

<AutoWindow> Element

The <AutoWindow> element is used to target property settings, events and other content on to an automatically created child window of the current Window (or AutoWindow).

NameSuffix Specifies the name suffix of the target auto-window. Required attribute.

Scheme XML Files

A Scheme file is a largely means to group other data files and resources together, and to define some of their interactions, and form a single point to load what might be considered a 'skin' for CEGUI's windows and widgets.

Scheme Element List:

<FalagardMapping> Element
<Font> Element
<GUIScheme> Element
<Imageset> Element
<ImagesetFromImage> Element
<LookNFeel> Element
<WindowAlias> Element
<WindowFactory> Element
<WindowRendererFactory> Element
<WindowRendererSet> Element
<WindowSet> Element

<GUIScheme> Element

The <GUIScheme> element is the root element of the scheme file.

Name Specifies the name that the scheme will be known by within the system. Required attribute.

<FalagardMapping> Element

Specifies a mapping that ties together a concrete Window based object, a concrete WindowRenderer based object, and a WidgetLook definition to create a specified window type that can then be instantiated via the WindowManager.

WindowType Specifies a name for the mapping / window type being created. Required attribute.
TargetType Specifies the name of the concrete Window based object that contains the logic for the window type being specified. Required attribute.
Renderer Specifies the name of the concrete WindowRenderer based object that contains the rendering specific code for the window type being specified. Required attribute.
LookNFeel Specifies the name of the Falagard WidgetLook definition that contains imagery and other definitions for the window type being specified. Required attribute.

<Font> Element

Specifies a Font to be loaded as part of the scheme. If a font with the requested name already exists, the file specified is not loaded.

Name Specifies the name of the font as specified in the font xml file. This is a validation check; if this name is specified it must match the name given in the font xml file or an exception will be thrown. If this name is not given, the name is extracted from the font xml the first time it is loaded. Optional attibute.
Filename Specifies the path to the font XML file. Required attribute.
ResourceGroup Specifies the resource group identifier to pass to the ResourceProvider when loading the file specified in the Filename attribute. Optional attribute, if this is not specified the default resource group for Font files is used.

<Imageset> Element

Specifies an imageset to be loaded as part of this scheme. If an imageset with the requested name already exists, the file specified is not loaded.

Name Specifies the name of the imageset as specified in the imagseset xml file. This is a validation check; if this name is specified it must match the name given in the imageset xml file or an exception will be thrown. If this name is not given, the name is extracted from the imageset the first time it is loaded. Optional attibute.
Filename Specifies the path to the imageset XML file. Required attribute.
ResourceGroup Specifies the resource group identifier to pass to the ResourceProvider when loading the file specified in the Filename attribute. Optional attribute, if this is not specified the default resource group for Imageset files is used.

<ImagesetFromImage> Element

Specifies an imageset to be created directly from an image file as part of this scheme. If an imageset with the requested name already exists, the file specified is not loaded.

Name Specifies the name to be used for the imageset. If this attribute is not given, the imageset is given the name of it's file. Optional attibute.
Filename Specifies the path to the image file that will be loaded for this imageset (also used as the name of the Imageset if the Name attribute is not given). Required attribute.
ResourceGroup Specifies the resource group identifier to pass to the ResourceProvider when loading the file specified in the Filename attribute. Optional attribute, if this is not specified the default resource group for Imageset files is used.

<LookNFeel> Element

Specifies a LookNFeel file - containing WidgetLook definitions - to be parsed as part of this scheme.

Filename Specifies the path to the looknfeel xml file that will be parsed. Required attribute.
ResourceGroup Specifies the resource group identifier to pass to the ResourceProvider when loading the file specified in the Filename attribute. Optional attribute, if this is not specified the default resource group for LookNFeel files is used.

<WindowAlias> Element

Specifies an alias for a given window type.

Alias Specifies the name of the alias; this is an alternative name by which the window type specified by the Target attribute will be known.
Target Specifies the window type that will be created when a window of the type specified by the attribute Alias is specified.

<WindowFactory> Element

Specifies the name of a WindowFactory object from the loadable module represented by the containing <WindowSet> that is to be registered with the system.

Name Specifies the name of the WindowFactory object to be registered with the system. Required attribute.

<WindowRendererFactory> Element

Specifies the name of a WindowRendererFactory object from the loadable module represented by the containing <WindowRendererSet> that is to be registered with the system.

Name Specifies the name of the WindowRendererFactory object to be registered with the system. Required attribute.

<WindowRendererSet> Element

Specifies the name of a loadable module containing concrete WindowRenderer based entities and their factories. If one or more <WindowRendererFactory> elements are given, only the specified factories will be registered with the system; if no <WindowRendererFactory> elements are specified, all available factories from the module will be registered.

Filename Specifies the name of the loadable module (dll / .so / etc). Required attribute.

<WindowSet> Element

Specifies the name of a loadable module containing concrete Window based entities and their factories. If one or more <WindowFactory> elements are given, only the specified factories will be registered with the system; if no <WindowFactory> elements are specified, all available factories from the module will be registered.

Filename Specifies the name of the loadable module (dll / .so / etc). Required attribute.

LookNFeel XML Files

Falagard skin definition files.