Internal Configuration File

The internal_config.ini file is located in the install folder. It contains general private settings for the application such as the Game Name or the various media directories. The following are entries that can be changed in the internal_config.ini file:

GameName the name that will appear at the top of the window
UseCharSelcet if true use character selection menu (see Character Selection for more information)
UseNameSelect if true use playername selection menu
UseDifficultLevel if true use difficulty level menu
DefaultDifficulty default difficult level (1 - 3)
DefaultLanguage default language to use as defined in language.ini file
StartLevel the BSP file used for the starting level (if character selection is used, the character.ini file may specify different starting levels)
SaveAttributesAsText if true save attributes to a text file in the savegame directory (see below)
InGameCursor true if the cursor is to be displayed in play game state and the player is not controlled by the mouse

PlayerName the default name of the player as it will appear in game
PlayerAvatar the actor that will be used as the player

DefaultXMLParser XML parser to use: ExpatParser or TinyXMLParser
ConfigFile name of CEGUI configuration file
ConfigDirectory location of CEGUI configuration file
SchemeDirectory directories containing CEGUI configuration and media data
DefaultTooltip default tooltip
DefaultMouseCursor default mouse cursor

AudioDirectory media directories
SavegameDirectory directory in My Documents\GameName folder to contain savegames
ScreenshotDirectory directory in My Documents\GameName folder to contain screenshots
LogDirectory directory in AppData\GameName folder to contain logs
ConfigDirectory directory in AppData\GameName folder to contain user specific configuration files (keyboard settings, menu options)

WeaponPosition On or Off, if On then weapon positioning via the NumPad is active
AlternateKey true or false, if true use alternate keys for weapon positioning, see 1st Person Weapons
UseLevelDialog if true then activate the level load dialog at startup
ShowTrack if true show pathways in game

UseFirst if true use 1st logo
UseCutScene if true use cutscene in 1st logo
SplashScreen defines the splash screen to use
SplashAudio defines the splash screen audio to use
CutScene defines the cut scene to use
UseSecond if true use 2nd logo
UseCutScene1 if true use cutscene in 2nd logo
SplashScreen1 defines the splash screen to use
SplashAudio1 defines the splash screen audio to use
CutScene1 defines the cut scene to use

When weapon positioning is active you are able to move the view weapon in 1st person view using the NumPad keys.

When UseLevelDialog is active you are able to choose the starting level at runtime via a file open dialog. This will over ride the starting level from the INI file.