Okay, here are my very first pictures.

This one was taken on May 17th


Mammaw fixed it up so you can get
a better idea of what's what.



This next one is a nice profile shot,
taken on May 31st


Again, with some helpful explanations


What is it with Mammaw, insisting that
I have my Mommy's nose?
She's obsessed with that notion!
Well, it could be worse...I could have hers!


This next one is from June 9th


Can't really see much  on that one, can ya?

Look again, it's my foot!


I was just trying to get comfortable,
while they were pushing around on Mommy's belly to get a good look at me.


Here is another one from June 9th


I'm all squished in there!

Can you see me now???



Hehe, I'm making Mommy get fat!


She still looks pretty though,
don't you think?



They had me a big party too...
a "baby shower" they called it,
and I got all kinds of neat presents.
Check it out! 


Mommy got to sit in the rocking chair
and open all my presents.


They even had me a cake,
but it didn't have my name on it,
so I guess all the people at my party figured
it was okay if they ate it. Oh, phooey!!!



Well, at least Mommy fed me some
strawberries with chocolate. Could have
done without the potato chips though.



Next is Mommy with our friend Tricia.
Tricia is a nurse and keeps an eye on us,
making sure Mommy doesn't feed me all
too much junk food.



Mammaw finally got my room ready too.
Well, kind of anyway, because I don't
really have a room of my own yet.
They just gave me some space in Mommy's 
room for now until my uncle Kyle leaves for college and Mommy can move into his room.



Here we go again---Eeyores everywhere!



I'm starting to get donkey-phobia!



Well, at least I have one toy that isn't Eeyore...
that is, if Mommy doesn't keep the snuggly
white bear for herself.



The next few pictures are very special.
They were taken on August 21st.
The doctor was trying out a new machine
where you can see me better.


 If I look kinda "squishy', then that's because
it's getting really tight in here, and they
were squeezing around on Mommy's belly
real hard to get a good picture of me.


So I guess I do have Mommy's
nose after all. Ah, nuts!!!


Mammaw says I look like I got curly hair.
Just hope it isn't red!


Man, I sure wish they'd stop squeezing
around on me. I'm gonna be all bent
out of shape if this goes on much longer.



That's all folks! --- For now anyway,
unless you would like to see the video of
my ultrasound. Mammaw fixed it up,
and made room for it on her own website,
because there wasn't enough space here.
It's really cool, and it even has my 
heart-beat on it.
You can watch it here.

Hope you check back soon
for more pictures of me.

Lots of love, Brianna