1. Is the word "ain't" in your standard vocabulary?
  2. Would you consider barbecued groundhog to be a gourmet meal?
  3. Have you ever supplemented your income by recycling empty beer cans or digging for Ginseng?
  4. Did you ever crank up a country song so loud on your stereo that you couldn't hear the phone ring?
  5. Have you had your vehicle longer than you've had your spouse?
  6. Does your vehicle sport more than one bumper sticker?
  7. Do you prefer the company of your dog over the company of people?
  8. Did you ever stop along an Interstate to see if a piece of roadkill was still salvageable?
  9. As a kid, did you ever get sent to cut your own switch for the whuppin' you had coming?
  10. Can you walk barefooted across a gravel road without flinching?
  11. Did you ever feel the urge to punch a guy, just because he was driving a brand new Mercedes?
  12. Does talking about politics make you mad?
  13. Do you know what "Mountain Oysters" are?
  14. Is going through five cases of beer your idea of a productive weekend?
  15. Do you know who sings the song "A country-boy can survive"?
  16. Do you know what that clear, watery looking liquid in a mason-jar really is?
  17. Do you enjoy reminiscing about the "good ol' times"?
  18. Did you not have to worry about any possible Y2K problems, because you usually keep all those "emergency items" on hand anyway?
  19. Is your idea of "gun control" being able to hit what you aim at?
  20. Would you vote for Hank Williams Jr. for President?

Well, how many "yes" answers did you get?

15 - 20 -- Hey, wherever you are, you oughta be here 'cause you're about as hillbilly as they come.

10 - 14 -- You're on the best way to turnin' hillbilly. Might wanna get you a taste of that barbecued groundhog some time. Who knows, you might just like it!

5 - 9 -- Well, I don't know. It's a start, but there's a lot of work to be done with you. Kick your shoes off and tune your radio station into some country.

0 - 4 -- Oh, you're city-folk, eh? Well, nobody's perfect! Maybe if you come back here often enough you'll improve. Keep workin' at it.

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