Ah, you made it!

Well then, let's just see if you qualify as a hillbilly, shall we?
'Course there's some things you better don't wanna know about youself. So, if you rather go on believin' that you're a highly educated, intelligent and sophisticated person, you might prefer to skip our "Hillbilly Quiz" and scrool on down the page to check out the rest of it. But if you wanna put your mind at ease, once and for all, go ahead and click on the link. (Hey, it's just for fun anyways. Enjoy!)

to Hillbilly Quiz


How about some true hillbilly cuisine?

Take a look at our favorite recipes

to Recipes

In the mood for a couple of laughs?

Check out Rick's "memoirs"

to Days in our Mountains

Or, if you prefer more sophisticated poetry, 
here are some of our personal favorites
To the original authors of some of these poems:  Wherever possible, we have included the well-deserved credits, but in several cases we simply don't know who the original author is. Should you recognize your work, please let us know and we will gladly give you credit or remove your work from this site, should you object to it being posted here.


How about some action adventure with a touch of unsolved mystery? Sounds interesting?
Well, it's something that'll never make it into a bookstore, but you can read it anyway--right here, for free! Free is good, isn't it? Did you ever spend a bunch of money on a book that turned out to be not even worth the paper it was printed on? I have, and I sure wasn't too happy about it. So, start reading, and if you don't like it---then just quit! You ain't lost nothin' but a little time. If you do like it, though, and you want "the rest of the story", let us know and we'll be glad to send it to ya.


Some more to read?

Petty has been working on this one for a very, very, very (wheeeew!) long time. It has 30 chapters so far, and will probably have a couple dozen more someday, before it's all said and done with.
Yeah, I know what you're thinkin' -- "Geee, that's not a story, that's a novel!"
Well, maybe! I don't know, but it's something else that'll never get published aside from in here.
It's an American Indian (or Native American -- whichever is more politically correct) story,
Cheyenne, to be exact. Even has some of the language incorporated (with translation, don't worry). 
Petty has always been fascinated with American Indian history, so -- there ya go! 



Yeah, we've collected some of those too.

So, where do you want to today?

Oops, is that slogan copyrighted? If so, our sincerest apologies to Microsoft.

It probably wouldn't qualify as a Photo Album
but maybe you'd like to take a peek at
us anyway.

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