Well, hi there! 
Glad you decided to come on in.

If you haven't been here before, 
and your wondering where here is...

 ...here is West-by-God-Virginia!

And we're the Munroes--Rick, Petty, Kyle and Kayla

If you visited us before, did you notice anything new this time?
Right! No more annoying pop-up ads! FINALLY!
(enjoy it while it lasts, 'cause we can't guarantee how long we'll be able to afford it)

If this is your first visit to our site, 
then you probably wanna know
what's in here.

Well, since this is the fourth time now, this site is getting relocated,
some parts of it are once again--and still--under construction.
(kinda like West Virginia road construction....it's a never-ending endeavor *grin*)

Okay, so what's gonna be in here?
(that's "going to be" -- for all you non-hillbillies)

Hopefully a little bit of everything,
and a little bit of something for everybody.

a little quiz to see if you qualify as a hillbilly
(hey, there ain't nothin' wrong with being one!)

some of our favorite recipes
(the use of roadkill is not recommended 'cause it's usually a little difficult to skin)

somethin' nice
   (pictures and poetry)

some hillbilly pasttime stuff
(about huntin', fishin', sengin', shroomin', shinin', frog giggin', or just goin' up the holler for some funnin')

links to some of our favorite websites
(that one is ALWAYS under construction for updates)

and then, if there's still room on the server

some of our very own literary creations

So, come on in a little further
(you don't even gotta take your shoes off)
and see if you can't find somethin' you like



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