Welcome to my herbal page. The main purpose of this page is to give you a basic overview of some of the most popular herbs and spices, and their magical and healing properties. This is by no means a complete herbal. That would take more space than I personally have to use, or have the time for. Most of these are herbs that can be found on your cooking shelf, in the local supermarket, and many times in your yard. If you find that you would like more information on either nature's magick or herbal healing, there are two books I would highly recommend. For healing, The Herb Book by John Lust is an excellent choice. And for magick, Scott Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs.

The second part of this section will give you directions on how to use the herbs. To go directly there...Click Here

In the third part of this section, I will place a few recipes that have worked really well for me in healing. These should be used with *caution*. If you are not well qualified to use herbs, please remember that even though they will work, a qualified healer or doctor's opinion should still be sought. If they can heal, they can also kill. And vice versa. I believe in the power of nature to supply cures for all things. With this in mind, I wish you well in the use of these. If you would like to go there now...Click Here

I also have a section that links to various seed and plant companies. If you would like to go there now...Click Here






ALFALFA (Medicago Sativa)

Magical Uses: Kept in a small jar in the cupboard or pantry to protect from poverty and hunger. Burn and scatter the ashes around your property for this use also.
Medicinal Uses: The leaves are used to make a tea to improve the appetite, relieve urinary and bowel problems, eliminate retained water, and to help cure peptic ulcers.

ALLSPICE (Pimenta Officinalis)

Magical Uses: Allspice is burned as an incense to attract money or luck.
Medicinal Uses: The oil and water of pimento are useful for cases of flatulence. The oil is also useful to lessen the tendency to cramp when used with laxatives. Makes a good plaster for rheumatism and neuralgia.

ALOE (Aloe Vera)

Magical Uses: Kept in the house Aloe protects against evil influences and household accidents. It is also said to bring good luck.
Medicinal Uses: The fresh leaves of the Aloe are split to expose the jelly like juice and then rubbed on the skin for sunburn and other minor burns, wrinkles, insect bites, skin irritations, and minor cuts and scratches. Also said to help heal wounds by drawing out or preventing infection.

ANISE (Pimpinella Anisum)

Magical Uses: To ensure no nightmares, fill a small pillow case with anise seeds and sleep on it. Used in incenses for protection and meditation. Place fresh leaves in a room to drive off evil and avert the evil eye.
Medicinal Uses: Anise promotes digestion, improves appetite, alleviates cramps and nausea, relieves flatulence, and relieves symptoms of colic in infants. It is also said to help to promote milk production in nursing mothers.

APPLE (Pyrus Malus)

Magical Uses: The apple is very commonly known for its use in love spells. The blossoms are added to sachets, brews, and incenses to create or strengthen love. In almost any book of shadows you will find spells using apples. And Samhain would never be complete without them, as they are known as the one of the foods of the dead.
Medicinal Uses: If you fast for one or two days on peeled and grated apples, it is an excellent remedy for illnesses involving diarrhea. If you eat the apples whole, they make a good mild laxative. You can also dry the peel and brew it into a tea to be used for rheumatic illness.

AVOCADO (Persea Americana)

Magical Uses: The fruit of the avocado was used by the aztecs to induce lust. If you grow a plant from the pit of an avocado, you will draw love into your home.
Medicinal Uses: Most commonly used as a beauty aid. A facial mask can be made by mashing avocado, and then heating it over a double boiler until just warm. Provides vitamins and protein, and is a good dry skin moisturizer.



BASIL (Ocimum Basilicum)

Magical Uses: To soothe tempers between two people who are fighting, the scent of fresh basil should be used. A sprig of fresh basil placed in a person's hand will wilt immediately if that person is promiscuous. Carry basil in your pockets to attract wealth, and place it on the windowsill or in the cash register to attract customers to your business. A little basil placed in each room of your home brings protection.
Medicinal Uses: Used for stomach cramps and constipation. Also recommended for headache.

BAY (Laurus Nobilis)

Magical Uses: Bay is used in Claivoyance brews. It is also burned to cause visions. Write a wish on a bay leaf, and then burn this to make it come true.
Medicinal Uses: The oil pressed from the berries and leaves, can be used in liniment for rheumatism, bruises, and skin problems. Both the leaves and fruit can be used to stimulate digestion.

BIRCH (Betula Alba)

Magical Uses: The traditional broom (or besom) of a witch was made from the twigs of a birch tree. Cradles were made of birch to protect the babies placed within them.
Medicinal Uses: The oil from the inner bark can used as a substitute for wintergreen in liniments. The leaves are also used in teas for water retention. If you have bad skin problems, you can use it as a wash or bath additive.

BLACKBERRY (Rubus Villosus)

Magical Uses: Blackberry vines are protective if grown. And the leaves and berries are used in spells for wealth.
Medicinal Uses: Blackberry roots and leaves are used in teas for diarrhea. If your gums are bleeding, chew on the leaves.

BORAGE (Borago Officinalis)

Magical Uses: Borage tea increases psychic abilities.
Medicinal Uses: Good for reducing fever, and for restoring vitality. The leaves and seeds are said to stimulate the flow of milk in nursing mothers.




Magical Uses: All cacti are used for protection. They protect against burglaries if grown indoors, and absorb negativity.
Medicinal Uses:

CATNIP (Nepeta Cataria)

Magical Uses: Given to a cat, it will build a psychic bond between you. Use large catnip leaves (that have been pressed and dried) for bookmarks in magical books.
Medicinal Uses: Used in teas for upset stomach, gas, acid, and colic. Also useful in reducing fevers.

CELERY (Apium Graveolens)

Magical Uses: Burned with Orris Root, Celery seeds increase psychic ability.
Medicinal Uses: Used as a strong diuretic. Promotes menstruation, so should only be used in small amounts when pregnant.

CHILI PEPPER (Capsicum spp.)

Magical Uses: If you feel that a spell has been cast against you, scatter red chili pepper around your home, to break the spell.
Medicinal Uses: Used to build up resistance at the beginning of a cold. Small amounts will help to stimulate the appetite. Made into plasters and liniment to increase blood flow to areas where rheumatism and arthritis are a problem.

CINNAMON (Cinnamomum Zeylanicum)

Magical Uses: When burned as an incense, Cinnamon will stimulate psychic powers and draw money.
Medicinal Uses:

CLOVES (Caryophyllus Aromaticus or Syzygium Aromaticum)

Magical Uses: To close the tongue of someone gossiping about you, burn as an incense.
Medicinal Uses: When dropped into a cavity, it will stop the pain of a toothache. Clove tea will relieve nausea.

CLOVER (Trifolium spp.)

Magical Uses: All clover worn over the right breast will bring success in whatever you attempt. And grown on your property will keep snakes away.
Medicinal Uses: This is one of the herbs used in the curing of certain types of cancer.



DANDELION (Taraxacum Officinale)

Magical Uses: To get a message to someone dear to you, visualize your message while blowing the seeds off the head in their direction.
Medicinal Uses: Used as a spring tonic. Also used in salads to promote health. An infusion of the root is good for gallstones, liver problems, and jaundice. Also, if you have warts, each time you step outside, find a dandelion and split the root. The milk from the inside rubbed on the wart, will rid you of it.



ECHINACEA (Echinacea Purpurea)

Magical Uses: American indians used Echinacea as an offering to spirits to increase the effectiveness of spells.
Medicinal Uses: This is traditionally a blood purifier. The best use I personally have found for it is for infections.





GARLIC (Allium Sativum)

Magical Uses: Used in spells of protection and lust. Also useful in spells of healing.
Medicinal Uses: Used for digestive problems, and to improve the appetite.

GINGER (Zingiber Officinalis)

Magical Uses: Grow whole ginger roots to attract money.
Medicinal Uses: This is an herb best avoided for the full length of your pregnancy if you are pregnant. It is good for causing menstruation when it is suppressed. Good for colds, and to soothe sore throats.

GINSENG (Panax Quinquefolius)

Magical Uses: If you need a substitute for Mandrake, Ginseng can be used. The root is carried to attract money. Burned as an incense, it will remove hexes and curses. To have a wish come true, carve it onto the root and throw this into a body of running water.
Medicinal Uses: Good for hemorrhage, and for blood diseases. Said to ease childbirth. Also used widely for an aphrodisiac.

GOLDEN SEAL (Hydrastis Canadensis)

Magical Uses: Used to attract money and for healing spells.
Medicinal Uses: A good vaginal douche and an antiseptic mouthwash. Good for ringworm. Used as a laxative and for relieving nausea in pregnancy.













MUGWORT (Artemisia Vulgaris)

Magical Uses: Used in spells for Protection, Prophetic Dreams, and Healing. Infused into a tea, it can be used to magically cleanse crystal balls and magic mirrors.
Medicinal Uses: Good for the appetite and for proper digestion. The fresh juice can be used to help ease the itching of poison oak.

MUSTARD (Brassica spp.)

Magical Uses: Mustard seed is eaten to increase fertility in women.
Medicinal Uses: Mustard can be used to help treat bronchitis. Use the whole seeds for a purgative.







PATCHOULY (Pogostemon Cablin or Pogostemon Patchouli)

Magical Uses: Used in spells for money and prosperity. Also used in spells to increase lust and fertility.
Medicinal Uses:

PEPPERMINT (Mentha Piperita)

Magical Uses: Placed beneath the pillow will help to cause psychic dreams.
Medicinal Uses: Use peppermint tea or oil for insomnia, cramps, coughs, migraine, poor digestion, nausea, abdominal pains, headache and vomiting due to nervous causes, and heartburn. Peppermint tea can also be used for a substitute for coffee.

POKE (Phytolacca Americana) *POISON* (Use with extreme caution!)

Magical Uses: Used in spells to break hexes. Also use the juice from the crushed berries for a magical ink.
Medicinal Uses: Pokeroot has been used for relieving pain, reducing swelling, combating skin parasites, and for treating arthritis. The juice from the berries is sometimes used for treating hemorrhoids and cancer.





ROSE (Rosa spp.)

Magical Uses: Used in love spells, spells to increase psychic powers, healing, love divinations, and for luck and protection.
Medicinal Uses: The rose has been used for treating headache, dizziness, and as a blood purifier.

ROSEMARY (Rosemarinus Officinalis)

Magical Uses: Used in spells for protection, love, lust, exorcism, healing and purification. Can be used as a substitute for Frankincense.
Medicinal Uses: Good to help with proper digestion. It also raises blood pressure and improves circulation. You can infuse the leaves alone or with borax, to help prevent baldness when used to wash the scalp.



SAGE (Salvia Officinalis)

Magical Uses: Sage is used to promote wisdom, bring protection and grant wishes. The leaves are also used in money and healing spells.
Medicinal Uses: This herb is good for the reduction of perspiration. Mothers who have nursed and are stopping, can take sage tea for several days to help to stop the flow of milk. The tea is also good for depression and vertigo. The tea is outstanding when used for sore throat, laryngitis, and tonsillitis. (This is used every winter in my home for this purpose. I have yet to find any store bought product which can do better). Use the fresh crushed leaves for insect bites. If your hair is dark and you are getting gray, you can use sage tea to color the gray. (Brew and simmer for 2 hours. Remove the leaves and use it on your hair as you would hair dye. In 20 minutes wash it out).

SANDALWOOD (Santalum Album)

Magical Uses: Burned as an incense most commonly in spells for protection, healing, exorcism, and getting wishes granted.
Medicinal Uses: When using sandalwood for healing you want to use the oil. The oil can be used to treat bronchitis, fever, skin problems, and is good for digestion.

SPEARMINT (Mentha Spicata)

Magical Uses: Used in spells for healing and love.
Medicinal Uses: This herb is used for common women's complaints and for painful urination. Also to promote urination. Can be used in combination with horehound to treat fever in children.



THYME (Thymus Vulgaris)

Magical Uses: Used in spells for healing, sleep, psychic powers, love and courage.
Medicinal Uses: This herb is used to treat bronchitis, laryngitis, whooping cough, diarrhea, lack of appetite, and for coughs. Relieves colic and flatulence. To treat shingles you would make a salve from thyme.







WINTERGREEN (Gaultheria Procumbens)

Magical Uses: Used in healing spells, and placed on the altar to call good spirits to witness your magic.
Medicinal Uses: The oil is the part you most commonly use for healing with this herb. A leaf tea can be gargled for sore throat and for the mouth. To relieve pain in the joints, soak a cloth with the oil and apply it to the area. Beware, however, for the oil can cause irritation to the skin and should be used with caution.





YARROW (Achillea Millefolium)

Magical Uses: Used in spells for courage, love, exorcism, and psychic abilities.
Medicinal Uses: Yarrow tea is good for lack of appetite, cramps, gas, flatulence, gallbladder and liver problems, and hemorrhage. (Especially in the lungs). Good to treat internal bleeding. Used as a douche for leucorrhea. The decoction can be used for sores, chapped hands, and sore nipples.




Directions for the use of Herbs

Herbal Remedies

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