This next section is on some of my own remedies. These are recipes that have worked for me. Please use with care. (^v~)

Liniment: To be used for swelling in the joints, Arthritis, and soreness in the muscles.

Mix equal parts Cayenne Pepper, Pokeweed, Cloves, Alfalfa, and oil of Birch (or Wintergreen). Cover these with enough olive oil to just cover the herbs. Simmer on low heat for 60 minutes. Strain and cool. When needed massage into the sore parts very well.

For relief of Gas and Bloating: Steep 1 tsp of equal parts of Fennel seed, Caraway, and Peppermint for 5 minutes in boiling hot water. Drink unsweetened.

Insomnia (due to overexhaustion): Mix equal parts Dill seed, Fennel seed, and Peppermint leaves. Steep 1 tsp in 1/2 cup boiling water for 5 minutes. Take warm sweetened with sugar or honey.

To Stimulate Metabolism: Mix Milfoil, Birch Leaves, and Chamomile. Steep 1 tsp in 1/2 cup boiling water for 5 minutes.

To prevent nausea, miscarriage, pains from labor, and increase milk production in pregnant women. Steep 1 tsp of (1 part Cinnamon, 5 parts Milfoil, 5 parts Blackberry leaves, and 10 parts Raspberry leaves)in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1/2 to 1 cup a day in mouthful doses.

Skin Troubles: Mix 2 ozs. beet juice, 2 ozs celery juice, and 2 ozs tomato juice. Take 2 or 3 times a day. As a general blood purifier, take several times a week.

For Fever: Make a tea of Catnip, Rosemary, Sage, Onion, & Honey. Take as needed.

Diuretic Tea (to reduce retention of water): Mix equal parts Fennel seed, Celery seed, Parsley, Summer Savory, and Spearmint leaves. Steep 1 tsp in boiling water for 5 minutes. Drink sweetened or unsweetened.

For laryngitis: Take sage and brew into a tea. (the taste is not real good, but it does a wonderful job).

***The next couple of things I am going to put here are not teas, but pills you can buy almost anywhere now. Please be very careful with these. I am not a doctor, and it is my belief that you should be under a doctor's supervision as you take these. They have worked for every person I know who has used them, but used without proper care can cause quite a bit of damage. Also bear in mind, that the dosages used by me and the dosages used by you are going to vary. We are not the same size, and a lot of prescriptions are determined by weight.***

Echinacea with Goldenseal: This is a combination of two natural Antibiotics. They can be used separately, but they seem to increase the effectiveness of each other when used together. They cure Bronchitis, Strep Throat, Upper Respiratory Infections, and just about any other infection in the throat and lung area. They are also very powerful Immunity builders. To help to strengthen the immune system, most adults would use 3 capsules a day. To cure illnesses, you should consult with a doctor, but I usually double or triple the dosage for 1 week. (This would depend on body weight).

There is a very good combination of herbs that can be used to increase the output of insulin in a diabetic person. It works very very well. The only problem with this is, that if you do not consult with a doctor and have it monitored so that the insulin you use in needle form can be reduced, you could cause yourself to go into a coma and die. My father used this combination, and it worked very very well for him. But he refused to understand that his doctor needed to be in on it. As this combination helped to strengthen his pancreas, his body started making its own insulin, therefore he should not have been taking as much. He made himself ill by having too much insulin going in his system. For this reason, I am not going to place this on this page. I will however, be more than glad to give this to anyone who is willing to take care and use caution with it. If you would like to have this, e-mail me and I will e-mail you back the combination.

My e-mail is: AWindsong@gmail.com