
How to start this page? lol. So many things come to mind, and few make sense to me as a starting point. So, I guess I will start with this. The American Indians believe that for every sickness that a human comes down with, the treatment has to heal, not only the Body; but the Spirit as well. The belief is: that if your Spirit is out of Harmony, (with your environment and the people around you), your body becomes open to illness. I hold this belief also. I know that in times of great stress, I have come down with colds, headaches, and various and sundry other ailments.

The practice of Aromatherapy is thousands of years old. The principle behind the use of Aromatherapy is that they exert subtle influences over the mind that offer an option other than the use of drugs for healing. On this page I have listed some of the more popular plants that are used for both magical and medicinal Aromatherapy. If you find that this interests you, there are many wonderful books that give you a lot of information on this science. I use MAGICAL AROMATHERAPY by Scott Cunningham for my info on the magical uses. The book AROMATHERAPY by Patricia Davis is an excellent book on the medicinal side of this art.

Having said all that, here we go.
Plants What to use Magical Uses Medicinal Uses
Apple fresh flowers peace, love, happiness depression
Basil fresh or dried leaves happiness, peace, money chest infections, digestive problems, jaundice, aphrodisiac, headaches, migraines, head-colds, bronchitis, whooping cough
Bay fresh or dried leaves psychic awareness, purification
Black Pepper dried fruits or essential oil protection, courage energy, reduce fever, digestion, stimulates kidneys, anaemia, bruising, fatigue, stiffness, muscular pain,
Calendula fresh flowers psychic dreams
Camomile fresh or dried flowers, essential oil meditation, peace stomach upsets, cystitis, anti-inflammatory, boils, abscesses, infected cuts, splinters, tooth abscesses, colitis, gastritis, diarrhoea, tension, anxiety, dull aches, pains, anti-depressant, sleep
Caraway dried fruits, essential oil love energy
Cardamom dried seeds, essential oil love, sex sciatica, coughs, spasms, abdominal pains, water retention, digestive, aphrodisiac, nausea, heartburn, flatulence, diarrhoea
Carnation fresh flowers energy, love
Catnip fresh or dried leaves peace, beauty
Cedar dried wood, essential oil spirituality, self-control bronchitis, urinary tract infections, cystitis, vaginal discharge, catarrh, acne, stress
Celery dried seed psychic awareness sleep, water retention, kidney stones, urinary infections, fevers, intestinal obstructions, depression, cystitis, cellulitis, arthritis, gout, digestion, milk production,fatigue, aphrodisiac, irregular menstruation
Cinnamon dried inner bark prosperity, psychic awareness energy
Clove dried unopened buds protection, courage memory
Dill fresh or dried fruit and leaves purification
Fennel fresh or dried seeds, essential oil courage, purification longevity
Garlic fresh cloves, fresh flowers protection, purification energy
Ginger fresh root, essential oil sex, love, money, courage, magical energy energy, sexual stimulant,
Honeysuckle fresh flowers, absolute psychic awareness, prosperity weight loss
Jasmine fresh flowers, absolute love, peace, sex, psychic dreams sleep, antidepressant, aphrodisiac
Lavender fresh or dried flowers, essential oil love, celebacy, peace peaceantidepressant, analgesic, antiseptic, decongestant, insect repellant, hypotensive
Lemon fresh zest, essential oil purification energy, disinfectant, insect repellant
Mugwort fresh leaves psychic awareness and dreams, astral projection, abortifacient
Nutmeg nut, essential oil energy, psychic awareness, money energy, disinfectant
Onion fresh bulb courage, protection
Orange fresh zest, essential oil purification, joy, energy energy, antidepressant, antispasmodic, insomnia
Parsley fresh herb protection emmagogue, sterility
Patchouly dried leaves, essential oil sex, money energy, antidepressant
Peppermint fresh or dried leaves, essential oil purification mind, congestion, cleansing, acne, mental fatigue, shock, pest repellant
Pine fresh needles, essential oil purification, protection, energy, money energy, respiratory infections, muscular pain, pneumonia, lung infections, bronchitis, coughs, sinusitis
Rose fresh flowers, essential oil, absolute love, sex, peace, beauty tension, depression, frigidity
Rosemary fresh or dried leaves, essential oil love longevity, mind, memory, antiseptic, stimulant, loss of smell, respiratory problems
Saffron dried stigmas energy, money mind, energy
Sage fresh or dried leaves wisdom, money memory, mind, DO NOT USE DURING PREGNANCY!
Sandalwood wood, essential oil meditation, sex aphrodisiac
Spearmint fresh leaves, essential oil protection
Sweet Pea fresh flowers happiness, courage
Thyme fresh leaves, fresh flowers courage mind, nose, throat, and chest infections
Vanilla dried cured fruits (beans) sex, love, energy energy
Yarrow fresh or dried flowers, essential oil psychic awareness, courage, love
Ylang Ylang essential oil peace, sex, love slows breathing and heartbeat, high blood pressure, antidepressant, sedative, aphrodisiac