Flying Horses

The first thing that comes to most peoples minds when you mention a flying horse is Pegasus. While Pagasus is indeed a flying horse, he is not the only flying horse, or the only kind of flying horse. These beautiful animals were known to many cultures. The role that most flying horses served was as messenger to the Gods.

Pegasus is a white stallion with golden wings and the ability to fly. (His wings are sometimes shown as white).

The Winged Sea-Pegasus has horse hooves on its forelegs, and the back parts of a fish. They are used to pull the chariot of the Sea Gods. These beautiful animals were known to the Greeks, and also the Celts.

The Arabian Buraq is the Arabs flying horse. This milk-white steed of Mohammed could out distance human sight in a single stride. They say that the hoofmark of this magickal horse is still seen at the place it left the ground to take Mohammed to heaven from Jerusalem. An ancient miniature from Persia shows Buraq with a human head and peacock-feather tail.

There is a mystical horse named Sleipnir in Norse-Germanic tales which belonged to the God Odin. This horse had 8 legs, was cloud gray, and could ride over water. He could pull almost any weight and though he had no wings, he could fly. This stallion was the offspring of the malicious Loki and the giant stallion Svadilfari. Sleipnir would only carry the God Odin, unless Odin ordered him to take some human somewhere. Odin was the leader of the Wild Hunt and rode Sleipnir on this. The Hounds of Hell also rode the Wild Hunt.

There is a seven-headed Sun horse in Hindu mythology called Vivasvat.

There are 2 horses in Norse mythology that carry the Sun through the sky. These are Alsvidr (very quick) and Arvakr (early awake).

In Japan there is an eighth-century plectrum that shows a clear image of a horse-bird figure. The creature has only 2 legs with hooves, 2 wings, and a long feathery tail. The head is crowned with rising feathers.

In Wales there are tales of a fire-breathing flying horse named Papillon. This animal belonged to the Faery Morgana.