Magical Beasties

Oh the memories. Times in my life when my imagination was allowed free reign. :) How many times as we are growing into adulthood are we told...that's not real? Don't say you see those things; it's a fantasy. I don't want to hear you say you saw THAT; it's crazy.

Some of my earliest memories are the exact things I've typed above. To my way of thinking as an adult, it's very sad. I have encouraged both my daughter and my nephews to see whatever they see. If it's real to them, then it really is real. And being the loving adult in their lives, I believe too.

Many people want to criticize me for raising the kids the way I have. But, I disagree as strongly with what they believe. Thousands of people believe in the Theory of Evolution. There is NO absolute proof that it's real, but they believe. There are many different things I could use here for examples. The whole point is, that if you believe in something strongly enough, then for you it IS REAL. No matter if the rest of the world looks at it from another viewpoint. And who's to say which is right or wrong? Who's to even say that you both are not right?

Millions of people all over the world for thousands of years have believed in dragons. Some of the oldest paintings on this Earth are of these "mythical" beasties. They differ from continent to continent in their physical appearance, but they are shown all over the world. Scientists will tell you they are not real because they have found no specimens to take apart and slice into tiny pieces they can examine. I say one thing to this, up until the early part of this last century, no one had found living specimens of Coelacanth's either. They are here on this planet, and they still exist in the depths of our oceans. The first living specimen was found in 1938 off the coast of Africa. Other specimens have been found since then.

To draw my rambling to a close, before I bore you to tears, let me say that I believe in Mythical Magical Beasties. I have seen my share in fact. Do I flaunt this fact to the world any more? NO. The psychiatrist comments from my childhood stung deeply. But, for me they are real and valid beings. This page is on these marvelous beings.

In Love and Light!

Flying Horses
Hell Hounds
Magical Serpents
Mermaids and Mermen