
The forms and shapes of Gnomes vary, but are very earthy in how they appear. The don't fly and can be burned with fire. Just as humans grow old, so do the Gnomes. These beings work and maintain the physical structure of the Earth, and they have various levels of consciousness. They help us with tapping into the Earth's energies and understanding how to use these forces.

The Gnomes build the flowers, plants and trees and give them color. They make minerals and crystals and teach humans how to use them. They also help humans to find them. These beings have great craftsmanship.

One Gnome is assigned to each human for the human lifespan. They help us to maintain our physical body throughout our lifetime. The intimate connection we share with our Gnome helps the Gnome to evolve and become ensouled. They are affected by all that we do, and can be hurt by the abuse we give our bodies.