I've heard it said that every man's Home is his Castle. Well, to a Witch, the home is an enchanted place of protection and magic. Throughout human history there are many rites and wives tales that bring that magic into the home. Most modern people have no idea why these things were done (or their significance to magic). Many of the old ways and superstitions are still around. Much of what is on this page, I got from the book: The Magical Household by Scott Cunningham and David Harrington. Some are things I heard as I was growing up. But, any or all will make your home a more enchanted place to live.

The first half of the page will be things to do for the home. The second half of the page contains old home superstitions and omens. To go there

To bless a house with life-giving energies: break a newly laid egg on the foundation.

To keep unwanted negativity from entering your home: place gourds on both sides of the outside of a door. You can also hang a wreath of leaves or thorns on the door; or a piece of bamboo over the door.

All that is listed here is for protection. Place 2 crossed needles under the doormat; paint the door blue; sprinkle mustard seeds or ground dragon's blood on the doorsill; or hammer 3 nails in the door in the shape of a right side up triangle on the outside of the door. Grow on the porch in pots; ferns, lilies, marigolds, or juniper. With chalk, draw pentagrams on the windows. Hang leaded crystal points or faceted spheres in the window. You can also place on the window sills; salt, small white pebbles, a large red tomato, or fragments of glass and seashells.

To keep ghosties and ghoulies out of your home: draw a circle on your door with chalk. A bag of salt or bells hung from the knob, will set demons to flight. A box of holed stones or a knife placed under the porch are similarly protective. To be rid of ghosts, slam a door several times in a row. Place an old sock filled with salt, sage, mullein, tansy, and any other protection herbs under the porch.

To see a ghost, stand at any door at dusk or midnight in the dark. Open the door half way and place your cheek upon it. Peer just past the edge.

To repel people who are envious or ill disposed toward you from entering your home: suspend garlic or dill over the door.

To draw money and love to you: bury under the porch 5 shiny pennies. Burying food will ensure you won't know hunger.

To find wisdom: wear a small key.

To help with matters of sexual impotence: place an old iron key beneath the mattress.

To guard against the evil eye: carry a gold key.

To bring health, love, and wealth: carry a chain which holds 3 keys.

To stop a headache or nosebleed: slip a key down your back.

To bring luck: carry a key that doesn't fit any lock you possess.

To banish nightmares and ensure a peaceful sleep: place a door key upside down near the bed.

To promote fertility and conception: wear a key.

To discover a secret: wear a key.

To change rotten luck: scatter salt on your window sills.

When sleeping in any room for the first time, or when moving into a new home: count the number of panes in the room's windows and strongly visualize a wish. Then doze off.


Anyone who never shuts a door, will never own a home.
When rocking a chair: if it moves along the floor, you will have company at your door by night fall. If it rocks on its own, bad news will soon arrive.
If you knock a chair over while rising, you lied while seated there.
Pivoting a chair on one leg foretells a household fight.
When making any kind of household decoration, there should be a small imperfection in the work. This is to keep negative energies from being attracted to the work. In earlier times, perfection was believed to cause jealousy from the Gods.
To counteract the seven years bad luck that would befall you when breaking a mirror: turn around 3 times, counterclockwise. Touching a tombstone with a piece of the mirror also works.
Mirrors and pictures should never be hung low enough to cut off the tallest household member's head. This was believed to cause headaches.
To make your day one of good fortune: make sure the first words you say upon rising are pleasant.
If you are dreaming and the world starts to feel as if it is falling; one of the slats on your bed may have fallen. If so, this is a sign that riches will soon be coming your way.
To get out of bed over the footboard means that it will be a fortunate day.
Knocking over the sugar bowl means money coming to you.
Good news is foretold when you accidentally mix up sugar and salt in a recipe.
Trouble is ahead when you forget to add spices to your cooking.
Crossing knives when setting the table foretells long journeys.
Dropping a piece of bread is a sign that a beggar will soon be knocking at the door.
Snakes in the home are lucky.
If a snake crawls up on your doorstep, someone from another country may enter your home.
Good Luck is brought by a snake in the garden.
When a picture falls, someone in the family will be going on a journey.
If your cupboard doors are left open, people will gossip about you.
If your garden gate bangs open and shut at night, you will have many visitors the next day.
Always answer a door when the doorbell rings, or you will lose a friend.